Vikram Ingleshwar's repositories


POC showing native android app automation with Appium & Serenity BDD framework

Huddle-landing-page-with-alternating-feature-blocks : This challenge is perfect if you're wanting to practice your layout skills. If you're starting to get a bit more confident laying out a web page, give this project a go [LIVE WEBSITE - CLICK BELOW]

3-column-preview-card-component This challenge is perfect if you're just getting started. The shift between the layouts will be a nice test if you're new to building responsive projects. - [LIVE WEBSITE - CLICK BELOW]

Chat-app-CSS-illustration Chat app CSS illustration : In this challenge, you'll be building out the entire app illustration from scratch. This will seriously test your CSS skills. So give it a go if you feel confident! [LIVE Website - CLICK BELOW]

Clipboard-landing-page Put your layout skills to the test with this HTML & CSS landing page challenge. This challenge includes a design for hover states. - [LIVE WEBSITE - CLICK BELOW]

Four-card-feature-section Four card feature section A nice layout-based challenge for beginners. This will test anyone who is new to multi-column and responsive layouts.


Fylo-data-storage-component Fylo data storage component. This component has some interesting CSS challenges in the design. If you're looking to test your CSS skills, this will be a great project for you! - [LIVE WEBSITE - CLICK BELOW]

Fylo-landing-page-with-two-column-layout Fylo landing page with two column layout : This project is great if you're starting to get confident with slightly more complex layouts. The second section with the testimonial area will provide a nice challenge [LIVE WEBSITE - CLICK BELOW]

Huddle-landing-page-with-a-single-introductory-section Huddle landing page with a single introductory section A perfect challenge for beginners, this project will get you working with a two column layout. - [LIVE WEBSITE - CLICK BELOW]


Huddle landing page with curved sections ( Practice using pseudo-elements for styling extras and the CSS position property for the sections with curved edges. ) : - [LIVE WEBSITE - CLICK BELOW]

Interactive-rating-component : Interactive rating component - This is a nice, small project to practice handling user interactions and updating the DOM. Perfect for anyone who has learned the basics of JavaScript! [LIVE WEBSITE - CLICK BELOW]

Intro-component-with-sign-up-form : Intro component with sign-up form - Practice building out a sign-up form complete with client-side validation using JavaScript.


NFT-preview-card-component - This HTML & CSS only challenge is perfect for anyone just starting out or anyone wanting a small project to play around with - [LIVE WEBSITE - CLICK BELOW]

order-summary-component - A perfect project for newbies who are starting to build confidence with layouts! - [LIVE WEBSITE - CLICK BELOW]

Product-preview-card-component This HTML & CSS-only challenge will be perfect for anyone starting to build responsive projects. [LIVE Website - CLICK BELOW]


Profile-card-component - This is a perfect challenge to test your layout skills. The card layout doesn't shift, so it's also great for those that haven't dived into responsive websites yet! - [LIVE WEBSITE - CLICK BELOW]

QR-code-component QR code component - A perfect first challenge if you're new to HTML and CSS. The card layout doesn't shift, so it's ideal if you haven't learned about building responsive layouts yet. [LIVE WEBSITE - CLICK BELOW]



social-proof-section This project will test your layout skills. If you're starting to get confident with Flexbox or Grid, this will provide a nice challenge! - [LIVE WEBSITE - CLICK BELOW]

Stats-preview-card-component - This is a great small challenge to help get you used to building to a design. There's no JS in this project, so you'll be able to focus on your HTML & CSS skills. - [LIVE WEBSITE - CLICK BELOW]

Testimonials-grid-section This challenge will be perfect practice for anyone wanting to test their CSS Grid skills. Grid is such a powerful addition to CSS, so it's worth getting to grips with it! [LIVE Website - CLICK BELOW]


Mini projects built with HTML5, CSS & JavaScript. No frameworks or libraries
