viknsagit / PancakeSwapNET

The PancakeSwapNET library provides a set of classes and methods for interacting with the PancakeSwap decentralized exchange on the Ethereum blockchain. Library using Netherium to work with PancakeSwap contract functions.

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PancakeSwapNET Library Documentation

The PancakeSwapNET library provides a set of classes and methods for interacting with the PancakeSwap decentralized exchange on the Ethereum blockchain. Library using Netherium to work with PancakeSwap contract functions.

Table of Contents


To use the PancakeSwapNET library, make sure you have the Nethereum package installed in your project. You can install it using NuGet:

Install-Package Nethereum.Web3


First, import the required namespaces:

using Nethereum.Web3;
using Nethereum.Web3.Accounts;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

Then, you can use the PancakeSwapNET library to interact with the PancakeSwap decentralized exchange:

string chainURL = "YOUR_BLOCKCHAIN_URL";
string contractAddress = "PANCAKESWAP_CONTRACT_ADDRESS";
string privateKey = "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY";

Router router = new Router(chainURL, contractAddress, privateKey);

// Use the router's methods for various interactions with PancakeSwap



The Router class is the main class of the PancakeSwapNET library. It provides methods to interact with the PancakeSwap decentralized exchange.


The Router class has several constructors that allow you to initialize the class with different parameters. Each constructor sets up the necessary connections and configurations for interacting with PancakeSwap.

Router(string chainURL, string contractAddress, string primaryKey)
Router(string chainURL, string contractAddress)
Router(string chainURL, string contractAddress, string primaryKey, GasSettings gasSettings)
Router(string chainURL, string contractAddress, GasSettings gasSettings)
  • chainURL: URL of the blockchain network.
  • contractAddress: Address of the PancakeSwap contract.
  • primaryKey: Private key of the account to use for transactions (optional).
  • gasSettings: Gas settings for transactions (optional).



Task<Pair> GetPairAsync(string pairAddress)
Task<Pair> GetPairAsync(string token0Address, string token1Address)
  • Returns a Pair object representing the pair of tokens at the specified addresses.


Task<List<BigInteger>> GetAmountsOutAsync(BigInteger amountToSell, string tokenAddress, string tokenAddress1)
Task<List<BigInteger>> GetAmountsOutAsync(BigInteger amountToSell, string tokenAddress)
  • Returns the relationship of one token to another token after selling a specified amount.


Task<BigInteger> GetAmountOutAsync(BigInteger amountIn, BigInteger reserveIn, BigInteger reserveOut)
  • Returns the amount out for a given amount in, reserve in, and reserve out.


Task<BigInteger> GetAmountInAsync(BigInteger amountOut, BigInteger reserveIn, BigInteger reserveOut)
  • Returns the amount in for a given amount out, reserve in, and reserve out.


Task<List<BigInteger>> GetAmountsInAsync(BigInteger amount, string tokenAddress, string tokenAddress1)
  • Returns the relationship of one token to another token after buying a specified amount.


Task<string> GetWETHAddressAsync()
  • Returns the address of the WETH token.


Task<string> GetFactoryAddressAsync()
  • Returns the address of the PancakeSwap factory contract.


Task<TransactionReceipt> SwapExactETHForTokensAsync(decimal amountInEth, string tokenAddress)
  • Swaps exact ETH for as many output tokens as possible.


Task<TransactionReceipt> SwapExactTokensForETHAsync(decimal amountInEth, string tokenAddress)
  • Swaps exact tokens for as much ETH as possible.


Task<TransactionReceipt> SwapTokensForExactETHAsync(decimal amountInEth, string tokenAddress)
  • Swaps tokens for exact ETH.


Task<TransactionReceipt> SwapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokensAsync(decimal amountInEth, string tokenAddress)
  • Swaps tokens for ETH, supporting tokens that take a fee on transfer.


Task<TransactionReceipt> SwapExactTokensForTokensAsync(decimal amountIn, string tokenAddress, string tokenAddress1)
  • Swaps exact tokens for as many output tokens as possible.


Task<TransactionReceipt> SwapExactTokensForTokensManualAsync(BigInteger amountsIn, BigInteger amountsOut, string tokenAddress, string tokenAddress1)
  • Executes a swap of tokens for tokens with exact amounts specified.


private static BigInteger DecimalToWei(decimal amount)
  • Converts a decimal amount to Wei.

Factory Class

The Factory class provides methods to interact with the PancakeSwap Factory contract on the Ethereum blockchain. The Factory contract is used to manage pairs of tokens on the PancakeSwap decentralized exchange.

Table of Contents


Factory(Web3 web3, string address)
  • web3: An instance of the Web3 class.
  • address: The address of the PancakeSwap Factory contract.



Task<string> FeeToAsync()
  • Asynchronously retrieves the address set as the 'feeTo' value.


Task<string> FeeToSetterAsync()
  • Asynchronously retrieves the address set as the 'feeToSetter' value.


Task<int> GetAllPairsLengthAsync()
  • Asynchronously retrieves the length of all pairs managed by the Factory contract.


Task<string> GetPairAddressByTokensAsync(string token0Address, string token1Address)
  • Asynchronously retrieves the address of the pair created using the specified token addresses.
  • token0Address: The address of the first token.
  • token1Address: The address of the second token.

Returns the address of the pair. If the address is "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000," an exception is thrown indicating incorrect token addresses.

Pair Class

The Pair class provides methods to interact with the PancakeSwap Pair contract on the Ethereum blockchain. The Pair contract represents a liquidity pair on the PancakeSwap decentralized exchange.

Table of Contents


Pair(Web3 web3)
  • web3: An instance of the Web3 class.



Task InitPair(string pairAddress)
  • Initializes a new instance of the Pair class with the given pair address.
  • pairAddress: The address of the pair contract.


Task<BigInteger> GetPrice0CumulativeLastAsync()
  • Asynchronously retrieves the cumulative last price of the 0th asset.


Task<BigInteger> GetPrice1CumulativeLastAsync()
  • Asynchronously retrieves the cumulative last price of the 1st asset.


Task<BigInteger> GetkLastAsync()
  • Asynchronously retrieves the last k value from the contract.


Task<GetReservesFunc> GetReservesAsync()
  • Asynchronously retrieves the reserves of the liquidity pair using the getReserves function on the contract.
  • Returns a GetReservesFunc object containing the result of the function call.


Task<decimal[]> CalculatePriceImpactAsync(decimal percent, int firstTokenDecimals = 18, int secondTokenDecimals = 18)
  • Deducts the price impact from the specified percentage and calculates the price impact and number of tokens to exchange for each token.
  • percent: The percentage (0.01 = 1%).
  • firstTokenDecimals: The number of decimals for the first token (default: 18).
  • secondTokenDecimals: The number of decimals for the second token (default: 18).
  • Returns an array of decimals: [price_impact_trade_token, amount_traded_token, price_impact_trade_token1, amount_traded_token1].

GasSettings Class

The GasSettings class represents gas-related settings that can be used in transactions on the Ethereum blockchain.

Table of Contents


GasSettings(BigInteger gasLimitInWei, BigInteger gasPrice)
  • Creates an instance of the GasSettings class with the specified gas limit and gas price in Wei.
  • gasLimitInWei: The gas limit in Wei.
  • gasPrice: The gas price in Wei.
GasSettings(int gasLimit, BigInteger gasPrice)
  • Creates an instance of the GasSettings class with the specified gas limit and gas price in Gwei.
  • gasLimit: The gas limit in Gwei.
  • gasPrice: The gas price in Wei.



  • A BigInteger representing the gas limit for the transaction.


  • A BigInteger representing the gas price for the transaction.


The PancakeSwapNET library provides a set of classes and methods for interacting with the PancakeSwap decentralized exchange on the Ethereum blockchain. Library using Netherium to work with PancakeSwap contract functions.

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%