vijaycs85 / dpsb

Drupal Projects Status Board - List of Drupal modules/themes with versions, maintainers details.

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Drupal Projects Status Board

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Drupal Projects Status Board is a way to monitor modules & themes used in your project. All data retrieved from using available APIs.


Drupal Projects Status Board Control flow


Typical small/medium size Drupal project has ~30 to 50 contributed modules and it is hard to know them all to validate around times like security updates and keep up with the development / new versions of them. It is certainly harder when managing more than one site.


Simply clone this repository and update data/projects.csv file with modules used on your site(s).

Generate project.csv

The projects CSV file provides list of projects to monitor. This can be generated by below drush command on your Drupal installation

(echo "Project,Version" &&  drush pmpi --format=csv --fields=label,version) > ../dpsb/data/projects.csv


The echo command is to add header to CSV. Makes sure the label/name field is represented as Project. The CSV can have addition fields(like version number) just to display on the table but make sure you are not adding them with reserved header keys (Maintainers, Versions, Details) and add the fields as <th> in index.html.


Drupal Projects Status Board Screenshot


Checkout gh-pages of this repository for sample output. Check generated metadata file for additional details available.


Integrated with TravisCI to refresh daily and every push to master.


Feel free to open an issue or pull request to improve, add new features and bug fixes.


This project is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2


Drupal Projects Status Board - List of Drupal modules/themes with versions, maintainers details.


Language:PHP 46.0%Language:JavaScript 23.1%Language:HTML 17.2%Language:Shell 13.7%