vigoux / architext.nvim

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Where can I add my own templates?

KendrickLamarck opened this issue · comments

Where do I actually add templates? Can I do it in a config file? On the vim prompt? Or do I have to add them to query.lua?

Sorry if this is a stupid question and there is an easy way to add stuff to the templates variable in query.lua from a config file or something. I don't know much about the nvim plugin architecture or lua or whatever is needed for this.

Hi !

There is indeed no way to add things to the templates.

For now you'd have to directly change the templates variable (which I think is not exposed).

OK, thanks for the answer! Would be nice to have this in the README.

Hey, looking back at the code, it is possible to add new templates by doing:

require'architext.query'.template_query("name", "template")

Sorry for the delay.