vignshwarar / AI-Employe

Create browser automation as if you were teaching a human using GPT-4 Vision.

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Failed to run the program locally

hargup opened this issue · comments

Getting following error on localhost:3000

Screenshot 2023-12-27 at 4 11 56 PM

I just downloaded the repo and checked on my system, it is working. Could you please try these steps:

  • Go to 'cd client/web', delete the '.next' and 'node_modules' folders, then reinstall 'node_modules' by typing 'npm install' in the 'client/web' directory. After that, try running 'npm run dev' in the same 'client/web' directory.
  • Ensure that you have '.env.development' file, with the proper firebase key. Here is the sample file.

It appears to be a transpiling issue. Could you confirm the version of Next.js that is installed?


  • added the firebase keys
  • removed node modules and recompiled
  • Commented out part of the code which required Crisp

Current behavior:

Ideally, local development shouldn't require signups. Will see, if I feel motivated enough, might make a PR to make the local development entirely local.

Ideally, local development shouldn't require signups

True, will try to make a PR

Seeing the sign-up page, but the signup is not happening

Could you please post the error message from the Chrome console or the server log?

Still not working, console error

vendor-a1b7b07f-59a0e76009756a5473ca.js:15 No storage available for session. We will not send any data.
(anonymous) @ vendor-a1b7b07f-59a0e76009756a5473ca.js:15
       Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED
vendor-a1b7b07f-59a0e76009756a5473ca.js:15 Shaka Player's internal Manifest structure is NOT covered by semantic versioning compatibility guarantees.  It may change at any time!  Please consider filing a feature request for whatever you use getManifest() for.
(anonymous) @ vendor-a1b7b07f-59a0e76009756a5473ca.js:15
vendor-9ebd23ae-97bc16e20d0d6d0d326d.js:1 WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established.
e.close @ vendor-9ebd23ae-97bc16e20d0d6d0d326d.js:1<key>:1 
       Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 ()
SignIn.tsx:97 FirebaseError: Firebase: Error (auth/configuration-not-found).
    at createErrorInternal (index-dd468b12.js:615:41)
    at _fail (index-dd468b12.js:586:11)
    at _performFetchWithErrorHandling (index-dd468b12.js:1051:17)
    at async _validateOrigin (index-dd468b12.js:9648:35)<key>&cb=1704665619402:1 

       Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 ()

Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 3 45 27 AM

using the latest commit here

Thank you for the screenshot.

I created a branch without an auth:

This is a bit annoying, but it will make it easier.

Regarding your Firebase error, I think you have to turn on Google auth or Email auth option:

@vignshwarar Trying to get this working locally as well. It is hard to tell which entries in the .env.development file are required or not when running in dev mode. In dev mode it still seems to require all these:

  apiKey: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_KEY,
  authDomain: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_AUTH_DOMAIN,
  projectId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PROJECT_ID,
  storageBucket: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_STORAGE_BUCKET,
  messagingSenderId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID,
  appId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ID,

From the readme and the discussion above, i got the impression they weren't required if using the open-source and dev mode. These all look firebase-like, but not sure exactly what they are mapped to.


Well, I got it kind of working after doing the following:

  • set NEXT_PUBLIC_API_KEY="firebase web api key from settings page"
  • set NEXT_PUBLIC_PROJECT_ID="firebase project id"
  • created a bucket in the storage area of firebase, then set NEXT_PUBLIC_STORAGE_BUCKET="gs://<firebase_project_id><bucket_name>"
  • set NEXT_PUBLIC_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID and NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ID to firebase "Project number"
  • commented out Crisp in _app.tx
  • enabled email auth with login link support in firebase authentication section

I'm able to get into the app, but it just points me to installing the extension. I installed the extension from the build folder, but it doesn't seem to do anything. I also don't see any output when inspecting the service worker. Any ideas for getting the extension to work?

Edit: noticed an error in the console of the page (rather than the service worker):

share-modal.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'addEventListener')
    at share-modal.js:1:135
incrementCounter = void setTimeout((function() {
    document.querySelector(".tui-image-editor-main-container .tui-image-editor-download-btn").addEventListener("click", (t=>{
        t.preventDefault(),["openTimes", "rateClicked"], (function(t) {
            let {openTimes: n, rateClicked: o} = t;
            n ? n += 1 : n = 1,

Having a hard time finding where that is coming from.

The console error does not seem to be related to AI Employe, and the .tui-image-editor-main-container appears to be an image editor library.

2 things:

  • Have you build the extension and installed it?
  • What is happening when you click the extension icon?

Ah ok, yeah didn't look to see if it was another extension. Yeah, I built it and installed and it doesn't do anything when clicked.

Could you please check the service worker logs after clicking the extension?

Reference image:
Screenshot 2024-01-18 at 5 00 35 PM

Could you please check the service worker logs after clicking the extension?

Yeah that was what I first mentioned looking at. There isn't a single bit of activity I see associated with the service worker.

Here is the extension if you want to try it:

This is weird. Could you please open the sidebar and check whether the 'AI employee' icon is on the list or not? I will check your zip file when I get back to my system.

Reference image for sidebar:
Screenshot 2024-01-18 at 6 23 25 PM

Interesting... so I have been using the Arc browser, which I haven't had any extension issues with. I see the icon and it does nothing in Arc, but tried it in Chrome and got it to pop up on the right on click. Sorry for the confusion. Didn't realize that could be a potential issue.

I did have a list of other things I had to work through and fix to get this working locally and I'll share that once I verify I get it working completely. Mainly it was working through errors related to dependencies that weren't managed explicitly in the readme.

Edit: Here is what I'm seeing at the moment


Here is the output from the console for the service worker and ui.html, respectively:

image image