viezel / NappDrawer

A side drawer navigation container view controller for Appcelerator Titanium.

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LeftWindow Disabled on Android

arildojr opened this issue · comments

I'm having this issue on Android.
What I want is a centerWindow and a rightWindow (leftWindow disabled) but I can't figure out a solution. If I create the Drawer without the leftWindow the app crashes with no log at all.
I tried setting the leftWindow's width to "0dp" but that changed the width of rightWindow too.
Titanium SDK 5.3.0, Android API 16, Module 1.1.7.

I'm also having this problem. Anybody find some solution?

I think this does the job ( at least on android, not checked on iOS so far):
leftWindow : OS_IOS? Ti.UI.createWindow() : Ti.UI.createView()

Just create empty view/window and assign to leftWindow property.