viebel / MetaTagsReRe

Meta tags ReasonReact components for client and server side rendering

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Status of the project

gigincg opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to use this package in a reason-react project of mine. Since I couldn't find an npm package for the project, I'm running the src files in my project. I tried to use the release version, but it isn't compiling. Even though the current versions seems to be compiling, There seems to be a few warnings.
This warning is thrown for a couple of external bindings. I'm new to Reason so I wanted to know if these can be avoided.
"the external name is inferred from val name is unsafe from refactoring when changing value"

This project is no longer being maintained.
On my others projects I migrated on react-helmet.
I you want the binding for react-helmet, I can share the mine with a gist.

Thanks you for your pull request.

@maarekj Would be awesome if you could share a gist for react-helmet.