Implement Performance details on RouteDetailsView
vidriloco opened this issue · comments
On "Performance Table" when taping on the user performance row, on the map there should appear the highest and lowest performances along the route as markers.
The low ones should accomplish the following condition:
Low < (.10)(TotalAverageSpeed) - Ordered from DESC to ASC
And the highest ones should accomplish the following one:
High > (.10)(TotalAverageSpeed) - Ordered from ASC to DESC
Upon tapping on each one of these markers, a Toast message should appear listing the following data:
Time , Speed and Kilometers
The toast message should implement the app visual style and should appear on top of the view with a padding of 10dp and a margin of 10dp.
The performances for the current route are inmediatly available upon loading the performances dialog (at buildPerformancesView within class RouteViews on Routes.Performances class. After being fetched, the performances are found on attribute persistedRoutePerformances on the route object.