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Create `seeds` for everything!

dsomel21 opened this issue · comments


Note: For more information about seeds, see #17

Basically, we are at the point where we some data for EVERYTHING in our app. I went ahead and created this JSON (scroll to the bottom) that should have everything that we need.


Update the seeds.rb to create books, chapters, chhands and chhand_types, pauris, and tuks from the data in the JSON.

Once we have this data, it'll be able to test out code and play around in the rails console.

Getting Started

  • rails c will be your best friend
  • You will have to do lots of loops, and you'll have to do Model.create() a LOT!
  • A lot of our models require us to have sequence; you can do something like: do | chapter_blob, chapter_index|

Some Helpful Tips

# 1. Add the JSON to some file in the `lib` directory 

# 2. Import it inside of your `seeds.rb` file like this:
json_data ='lib', 'seedData.json'))

# 3. Parse the JSON data into a Ruby hash
blob = JSON.parse(json_data).map { |data| data.with_indifferent_access }

# The `with_indifferent_access` let's you access keys with symbols or strings
# Now, you can do something access the values with [:keys], too
# For example:
# blob.each do |book_blob|
#   puts book_blob[:title]
# end

And then your code could look something like this:

blob.each.with_index(1) do |book_blob, book_index|
  @book = Book.create(:id => book_index, :sequence => book_index, :title => book_blob[:title], :en_title => book_blob[:en_title])
  book_blob[:chapters].each.with_index(1) do |chapter_blob, chapter_index|
    @chapter = @book.chapters.create(:number => chapter_index, :title => chapter_blob[:title])
    chapter_blob[:chhands].each.with_index(1) do |chhand_blob, chhand_index|
      puts "Book: #{book_index}, Chapter: #{chapter_index}, Chhand: #{chhand_index}"
      puts "chhand_blob: #{chhand_blob}"

The JSON 👇🏾

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@bhinder97 This will be really useful if you can get this in.

Absolutely, I will hit it in the morning!