videolabs / libdsm

Defective SMb: A minimalist implementation of a client library for SMBv1 using Plain'Ol C

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how can i build it for ios?

solidusex opened this issue · comments

how can i build it for ios?

Assuming it's alright to spruik my own libraries here. Sorry in advance if it's not! ;D

I'm maintaining an Objective-C wrapper library for libdsm as well as a statically cross-compiled version of the libdsm library for all of the necessary iOS (And the Simulator) architectures. It's available here:

If all you need is the libdsm static library itself, you can download it from the repo here.

In regards to how to actually build it for iOS, I'm still perfecting my build script so it's completely automatic in terms of downloading and setting up all of the necessary dependencies, but here's what I have so far:


# Global build settings
export SDKPATH=/Applications/
export SIMSDKPATH=/Applications/
export MIN_IOS_VERSION=7.0
export HOST=arm-apple-darwin
export LDFLAGS_NATIVE="-isysroot $SDKPATH"
export TASN1_CFLAGS="-Ilibtasn1/include"
export TASN1_LIBS="-Llibtasn1 -ltasn1"
export ARCHES=(armv7 armv7s arm64 i386 x86_64)

# libtasn1 defines
export TASN1_URL=""
export TASN1_DIR_NAME="libtasn1-4.7"

# libdsm defines
export DSM_URL=""
export DSM_DIR_NAME="libdsm-0.1.0"


echo "Checking libtasn1..."

# Download the latest libtasn1 library
if [ ! -d $TASN1_DIR_NAME ]; then
    echo "Downloading libtasn1..."
    curl -o $TASN1_DIR_NAME.tar.gz $TASN1_URL
    gunzip -c $TASN1_DIR_NAME.tar.gz | tar xopf -
echo "... Done"

echo "Checking libdsm..."

# Download the latest version of libdsm
if [ ! -d $DSM_DIR_NAME ]; then
    echo "Downloading libdsm..."
    curl -L -J -O $DSM_URL
    unzip $ -d $PWD

echo "...Done"

#Build tasn1

#Remove the previous build of libtasn1 from libdsm
rm -rf $DSM_DIR_NAME/libtasn1

rm -rf build

#Build libtasn1 for each architecture
for i in "${ARCHES[@]}"
    build_files="$build_files build/$i/lib/libtasn1.a"
    export ARCH=$i
    if [[ $i == *"arm"* ]]
    export CFLAGS="-arch $ARCH $LDFLAGS -miphoneos-version-min=$MIN_IOS_VERSION"
    ./configure --host=$HOST --prefix=$PWD/build/$ARCH && make && make install
    make clean

echo $build_files

#Merge the compiled binaries into a single universal one
mkdir -p build/universal
lipo -create $build_files -output build/universal/libtasn1.a

#Copy headers across
mkdir build/universal/include
cp -R build/armv7/include build/universal/

cd ../

#Copy binary to libdsm folder for its build process
cp -R $TASN1_DIR_NAME/build/universal $DSM_DIR_NAME/libtasn1

#Build libdsm

rm -rf build

for i in "${ARCHES[@]}"
    build_files="$build_files build/$i/lib/libdsm.a"
    export ARCH=$i
    if [[ $i == *"arm"* ]]
    export CFLAGS="-arch $ARCH $LDFLAGS -miphoneos-version-min=$MIN_IOS_VERSION"
    ./configure --host=$HOST --prefix=$PWD/build/$ARCH && make && make install
    make clean

#Merge the compiled binaries into a single universal one
mkdir -p build/universal
lipo -create $build_files -output build/universal/libdsm.a

#Copy headers across
mkdir build/universal/include
cp -R build/armv7/include build/universal

#Move final product to parent directory
cp -R build/universal ../libdsm

Thanks for your reply, I have just downloaded your project and test it, very good.
But I need to support bitcode, so I have to compile a library of my own.

Thank you build script, Let me try, thank you.

Ahh whoops. That's right! Adding bitcode support was on my todo list!

No worries! Let me know how you go! It should just be a matter of appending '-fembed_bitcode' at the end of those CFLAGS variables in the build script.

I'll put up an updated build with bitcode support on my GitHub repo tonight.

yeah, so much the better, and thanks your work!

I don't know why, some problems in my environment(osx 10.11.3, xcode7.2), I don't
understand script language,so spent a couple of hours to make some changes and
finally I can work here, this result of my modified:


Global build settings

export TARGET=$PWD/build
echo $TARGET

export SDKPATH=/Applications/
export SIMSDKPATH=/Applications/
export MIN_IOS_VERSION=7.0
export HOST=arm-apple-darwin
export LDFLAGS_NATIVE="-isysroot $SDKPATH"
#export TASN1_CFLAGS="-Ilibtasn1/include"
#export TASN1_LIBS="-Llibtasn1 -ltasn1"
export ARCHES=(armv7 arm64 i386 x86_64)
#export ARCHES=(i386 x86_64)

libtasn1 defines

export TASN1_URL=""
export TASN1_DIR_NAME="libtasn1-4.7"

libdsm defines

export DSM_URL=""
export DSM_DIR_NAME="libdsm-0.1.0"


rm -rf $TARGET


echo "Checking libtasn1..."

Download the latest libtasn1 library

if [ ! -d $TASN1_DIR_NAME ]; then
echo "Downloading libtasn1..."
curl -o $TASN1_DIR_NAME.tar.gz $TASN1_URL
gunzip -c $TASN1_DIR_NAME.tar.gz | tar xopf -
echo "... Done"

echo "Checking libdsm..."

Download the latest version of libdsm

if [ ! -d $DSM_DIR_NAME ]; then
echo "Downloading libdsm..."
curl -L -J -O $DSM_URL
unzip $ -d $PWD

echo "...Done"

#Build tasn1

#Remove the previous build of libtasn1 from libdsm
rm -rf $DSM_DIR_NAME/libtasn1

rm -rf build

#Build libtasn1 for each architecture
for i in "${ARCHES[@]}"
build_files="$build_files build/$i/lib/libtasn1.a"
export ARCH=$i
if [[ $i == "arm" ]]
export CFLAGS="-fembed-bitcode -arch $ARCH $LDFLAGS -miphoneos-version-min=$MIN_IOS_VERSION"

#./configure --host=$HOST --prefix=$PWD/build/$ARCH && make -j 4 && make install
./configure --host=$HOST --prefix=$TARGET/$ARCH && make -j 4 && make install
make clean


echo "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

echo $build_files

cd ../

#Build libdsm

rm -rf build

for i in "${ARCHES[@]}"
build_files="$build_files build/$i/lib/libdsm.a"
export ARCH=$i
if [[ $i == "arm" ]]

    export TASN1_LIBS="-L$TARGET/$ARCH/lib -ltasn1"

export CFLAGS="-fembed-bitcode -arch $ARCH $LDFLAGS -miphoneos-version-min=$MIN_IOS_VERSION"

./configure --host=$HOST --prefix=$TARGET/$ARCH && make -j 4&& make install
make clean




for i in "${ARCHES[@]}"
libasn1_build_files="$libasn1_build_files $TARGET/$i/lib/libtasn1.a"
libdsm_build_files="$libdsm_build_files $TARGET/$i/lib/libdsm.a"

mkdir $TARGET/universal
#mkdir $TARGET/universal/include
mkdir $TARGET/universal/lib

cp -R $TARGET/armv7/include $TARGET/universal/
lipo -create $libasn1_build_files -output $TARGET/universal/lib/libtasn1.a
lipo -create $libdsm_build_files -output $TARGET/universal/lib/libdsm.a

Cool! Awesome! Looks like you got it sorted out! I also just finished uploading a new build of libdsm with bitcode enabled to my repo.

Well, the best way to use liBDSM on iOS, is indeed in @TimOliver repository.
Just be careful, because next releases of liBDSM will probably break slightly the API to be more consistent.
Moreover, be careful on iOS and tvOS, that if your application is NOT open source, and you build statically (the default, IIRC), then you NEED a commercial license. It is very possible that bytecode requires such a license too.

@jbkempf Thanks a lot for that! I'm actively watching this repo, so if any new API changes come out, I'll do my best to accommodate them as soon as I can.

Yeah, I was told by @fkuehne on Twitter a while ago that it would be necessary to follow Sparrow's model of releasing enough of the compiled source/assets to allow developers to re-build/re-sign the app with new versions of the library in order to comply with the LGPL. I should make that more apparent on my repo.

That being said, I am definitely interested in a commercial license for one of my own projects. Who would I need to contact about that?

Either you build as shared library, and then, it's quite simple. But you loose some older iOS releases.
Or you build as a static library, and it's very very difficult, but is the sparrow way. In those cases, I advise a license, to be honest, because maybe this way is not perfect.
And you can for licenses.

Hmm fair enough. Yeah, iOS 8 and later allows externally compiled frameworks to be linked dynamically, but given the LGPL's 'relinking' clause, that alone probably isn't sufficient for iOS/tvOS apps. Having SMB support in my app is such a killer feature though, I'm happy to do whatever is necessary to ensure its properly licensed! :)

No worries! Thanks for that! I'll send an email there.

No, if dynamically linked, there is no need for anything else.

Oh! That's excellent to hear! Thanks a lot then! I'll see about refactoring my library so it's capable of being integrated as a dynamic framework.

In the meantime, I've sent an email regarding commercial licensing as well.

But that means no iOS7, if I understand correctly, and probably not tvOS...

Yep, that's correct! That being said, iOS 7 is now running on less than 7% of devices so it's not a huge tradeoff at this particular point.

And I just made a test tvOS app just to absolutely confirm: tvOS definitely IS capable of working with dynamic frameworks as well (tvOS is based on iOS 9, but it was still possible they could have removed it), so it's definitely not a problem on that platform at all. :)

No, the problem about tvOS is the bytecode part. Because it might be LGPL incompatible.