victorsch / c2p0

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


//          CCCCCCCCCCCCC 222222222222222    PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP        000000000     
//       CCC::::::::::::C2:::::::::::::::22  P::::::::::::::::P     00:::::::::00   
//     CC:::::::::::::::C2::::::222222:::::2 P::::::PPPPPP:::::P  00:::::::::::::00 
//    C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C2222222     2:::::2 PP:::::P     P:::::P0:::::::000:::::::0
//   C:::::C       CCCCCC            2:::::2   P::::P     P:::::P0::::::0   0::::::0
//  C:::::C                          2:::::2   P::::P     P:::::P0:::::0     0:::::0
//  C:::::C                       2222::::2    P::::PPPPPP:::::P 0:::::0     0:::::0
//  C:::::C                  22222::::::22     P:::::::::::::PP  0:::::0 000 0:::::0
//  C:::::C                22::::::::222       P::::PPPPPPPPP    0:::::0 000 0:::::0
//  C:::::C               2:::::22222          P::::P            0:::::0     0:::::0
//  C:::::C              2:::::2               P::::P            0:::::0     0:::::0
//   C:::::C       CCCCCC2:::::2               P::::P            0::::::0   0::::::0
//    C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C2:::::2       222222PP::::::PP          0:::::::000:::::::0
//     CC:::::::::::::::C2::::::2222222:::::2P::::::::P           00:::::::::::::00 
//       CCC::::::::::::C2::::::::::::::::::2P::::::::P             00:::::::::00   
//          CCCCCCCCCCCCC22222222222222222222PPPPPPPPPP               000000000     

Welcome to my crack at a C2 framework. This framework is meant to be modular with thorough documentation on creating your own beacons and customizing for your red teams needs. The framework is designed to put the control in the hands of the "command" part of the framework. Agents communicate to listening posts which communicate back to the operator's server (or web GUI). Though this first commit is very barebones, the plan is to have later communication occur entirely over encrypted channels that can be predefined at a beacon's launch. The listening posts will be prepared to accept connections from agents where the agent will identify itself, and its preferred means of exfiltration in order to let the listening post know what channel to expect communication from this agent. Listening posts communicate back to the host via HTTPS, but the plan is to have agents communicate to listening post over a variety of means only limited by the creativity of whoever is forking this repo.

The base framework at version 1 has been completed and can handle basic commands grabbed by an agent after the job has been created. There is still more decisions that need to be made about who owns what and why, but I'm happy with the first stage. The webapp is currently incomplete and only shows listings and allows for creation of new listeners operating over http.



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