victoriadrake /

🌱 Victoria's autonomous self-improving blockchain-fortified AI static website

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Oh, hello there! You're behind-the-scenes at

How this works

For more details on how I built the site, see About this site.

A GitHub Action handles continuous deployment. It runs on a regular schedule and on each push to my master branch. It installs the latest version of Hugo in the workflow environment, builds the site, and publishes it to GitHub Pages. The site content and theme are provided as Git submodules.

I wrote another GitHub Action, link-snitch, to regularly check my site for broken links. It uses my Hydra project, a standard-library-only Python program that crawls a site for broken links.

I use the pre-commit framework to run markdownlint-cli2 to keep my content tidy.

A self-documenting Makefile helps me work efficiently without having to remember a bunch of command-line flags.


See Make your own independent website.

Webmentions are enabled and I've implemented microformats2 markup. This makes my site compatible with social readers and other IndieWeb sites!


If you find a mistake or bug, I'd love to know so I can fix it! It would be very helpful if you open an issue.

Please note that I do not accept guest blog posts or requests for placing links in posts.


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


🌱 Victoria's autonomous self-improving blockchain-fortified AI static website


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