vicenteg / spark-streaming-mapr-streams

Example of a Spark Streaming Application consuming from MapR Streams via the Kafka APIs.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Example of a Spark Streaming Application consuming from MapR Streams via the Kafka APIs.


This is a trivial example of how to consume from MapR Streams in a Spark Streaming application.


On a MapR 5.1.0 sandbox I updated Spark to 1.6.1 and ensured the Kafka libraries and client programs are installed:

# yum -y install mapr-spark mapr-kafka

Then I installed Apache Maven from CentOS software collections. Also install git and fortune:

# yum -y install centos-release-scl
# yum -y install maven30
# yum -y install git fortune-mod

Now become the mapr user:

# su - mapr

Now clone this repo:

$ git clone

Build it:

$ cd spark-streaming-mapr-streams/
$ source /opt/rh/maven30/enable
$ mvn clean package

Create a stream to test with. If you decide to use a different name, be sure to use the same name later, when we launch the Spark Streaming job.

$ maprcli stream create -path /tmp/spark-test-stream

Let's use fortune to generate some text to run through Streams. fortune produces output like this:

# fortune
Only great masters of style can succeed in being obtuse.
		-- Oscar Wilde

Most UNIX programmers are great masters of style.
		-- The Unnamed Usenetter

Were truer words ever spoken? I think not. Anyway...

Start a shell loop, piping fortune into the kafka-console-producer at a random interval between 0 and 5 seconds. This will create the new topic automatically:

$ while :; do
  fortune | /opt/mapr/kafka/kafka-0.9.0/bin/ --broker-list 1:1 --topic /tmp/spark-test-stream:topic1
  sleep $(($RANDOM % 5))

You should not see any output.

Now launch the streaming job:

$ /opt/mapr/spark/spark-1.6.1/bin/spark-submit \
    --master yarn-client \
    --class com.mapr.example.SparkConsumer \
        target/SparkConsumer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 1:1 /tmp/spark-test-stream:topic1


About MapR Streams -

Integrating Streams with Spark -

JavaDirectKafkaWordCount example -


Example of a Spark Streaming Application consuming from MapR Streams via the Kafka APIs.


Language:Java 100.0%