viaduct-ai / kustomize-sops

KSOPS - A Flexible Kustomize Plugin for SOPS Encrypted Resources

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

v4.1.3 uses new paths for ksops and kustomize which breaks ArgoCD Integration

jimmy-ungerman opened this issue · comments

It appears that v4.1.3 of the ksops image changed where the ksops and kustomize binaries from /go/bin/ksops and go/bin/kustomzie to /usr/local/bin/ksops and /usr/local/bin/kustomize.

This is making the current ArgoCD integration documentation for Kustomize and Helm incorrect. I'd be glad to edit it as I just fixed it!

@jimmy-ungerman Thanks for making an issue! Sorry for the breaking change. Is this PR what you had in mind or do you want to preserve the old path /go/bin/ path?

i ran into the same issue today, and it broke my ArgoCD integration since i pinned the ksops image to v4.
since the integration is documented by yourself, i believe introducing that change without a major version change or some cutover time/versions can result in others having their ArgoCD broken as well.

personally, i prefer /usr/local/bin for its consistency across multiple platform, and, in my opinion, the more "logical" place -although i understand this is a personal preference.

I agree with @muhlba91. I like the new location, and it makes sense to have it in /usr/local/bin but theoretically this should be part of a v5 release since it is a breaking change.

As long as it's documented correctly though, it should help out. I looked at the PR and that's exactly what I was looking for!

@jimmy-ungerman @muhlba91 Thanks for the input. I agree it should have been a part of a new major release. For now, I'm patching the new image to maintain backwards compatibility (#185), which I will remove in a future v5 release.

Should be fixed in v4.2.0. Let me know if this isn't the case. Apologies again for the unexpected breaking change