vhf / resrc

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Space needed before comma to separate tags

NougatRillettes opened this issue · comments

When adding tags to a link, if a comma is added right after a word ("tag,") it will be discarded and the tag not saved (ie : it remains the tag currently edited). If I type "tag ," on the other hand, things work perfectly.

On which page does it happen? Could explain a bit more?

I've retested again and the issue appears only when there is a suggestion, as described below :

  1. Post (or edit) a link related to the HAS (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) (for exemple)
  2. Try to tag it with "HAS"
  3. While typing, suggestions appear below tag field
  4. Once I'm done typing "HAS", "Haskell" remains as a suggestion and seems to prevent the tag-ending comma to be entered (as if I wasn't pressing the key)
  5. If I had a space,, suggestion disappears and I can type the comma

Note : the situation is worse when I try to enter "online" as there is a tag "online course" so the space won't be enough to discard the suggestion.