vhdirk / inox

Email with notmuch rust

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Is it just an experiment or you have an actual plan? Any help needed?

ivanbalashov239 opened this issue · comments

I'm willing to help

Currently, it's basically an experiment to learn Rust, but as I am becoming increasingly frustrated with thunderbird, and evolution (and I find geary not extensible enough), I am actually aiming to make this into a functional mail client.

I probably won't get there alone though. This is just something that I like to work on in my spare time, so any help would definitely be appreciated.

I'll knock up a plan where I want to go with this soon. I am still in the process of coming up with the global architecture:

  • notmuch bindings (those seem functionally complete)
  • gmime, as that seems to be the most robust mail parser: big work in progress. I generated the ffi bindings just this morning. It builds, but I'm not sure if it works...

i've never used rust for anything more than a simple experiments for fun, so i'm probably not going to be very helpful, but i'l look into the code.

Hi, astroid maintainer here. I was curious about wether we would be able to join efforts with astroid and this project. Astroid needs some major redesigns. Some parts are good, but some parts have grown out of hand. The WebKit interface is obsolete, and I’m not sure if the current model is the correct one. Maybe there should be some kind of service supporting a web interface, since we currently rely on us bindings anyway to update dom tree this should not be a big deal. It would be great to consolidate the rest of the ui into one toolkit, but I’m not sure if it is the right way to go with a web interface for the rest aswell. Either way, rust looks very interesting, and at least the c++ implementation could be more rusty (separate data, more smartpointers).

I don’t have the time to do a complete rewrite of astroid anymore, but it could be an option to collaborate. As I read your plans you want an internal editor, which I think is great especially for quick inline replies. But I’d also like to keep the option for an external editor. Any thoughts? Do you think this is viable?


Development on enamel is a bit stalling a.t.m. Even though I'm planning to eventually use this as my daily driver, it's still very far away from that. I'm currently just experimenting with how I'd like to design the basic building blocks. Currently, I'm trying to get rust-cap'n'proto to work with the new Rust futures api. I'd like to use that for all client/server comm stuff.

I'd certainly like to join forces! As you may have noticed, Enamel draws a lot of inspiration from Astroid, but since I'm not a vi user, the user interface wasn't everything I'd have liked it to be.

An internal editor is indeed something I envision, but I certainly don't want to be limited by that. For a lot of emails a decent editor is just a must, and it seems silly to implement all of that again. So, at least an option to 'edit in your preferred editor' has to exist.

Also, a gtk interface may not be for everyone, so I was working towards a separation of purely visual vs functional with a daemon for async tasks. That would make other UI's, (ncurses?) an option.

The WebKit interface is obsolete

What do you mean? what should be replaced by?

Hi, I have an (basic) experiment going.. let me know if you want to check it out and I can add you to the repo. Currently based on your notmuch-rs, still no e-mail rendering (only thread-index), but seems like gmime-rs is the only viable option.

Cool! I'd love to check it out. I've been very busy with other stuff so progress on enamel has stalled a bit.
As for gmime-rs: I've seen that the gtk-rs folks have been making some API changes here and there, so I'll probably have to re-run gir again.

Great! Let me know how it works out. Idling on matrix.org or freenode.