vgarvardt / gue

Golang queue on top of PostgreSQL

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Why not use sql.DB instead of adapter.Tx

dosco opened this issue · comments


Using this adapter.Tx makes it hard to write portable functions it would be best to just use sql.DB instead of adapter.Tx

Adapter generalises db interface because only supports database/sql interface, while and drivers have own interfaces.


That makes sense I endedup writing an adapter for sql.DB so I could use sql.DB with generic functions.

myConnPool := NewConnPool(dbSQL)
tx, err := myConnPool.Begin(c)
if err != nil {
defer tx.Rollback(c)
... use tx in my function

However and does work with sql.DB you just have to include them as a driver in your package.

_ ""

db, err := sql.Open("pgx", "postgres://postgres:@localhost:5432/example_db")
if err != nil {

Originally library worked only with pgx so using native driver is more preferred than stdlib wrapper, other drivers were added later, some of them are already gone.

I wonder whether we could have an adapter for sql.DB. This would free me from initialling an extra pgxpool because I already have the sql.DB by importing for other usage.

@vgarvardt Ah missed that. Thanks! I was confused by the package name. I would suggest rename the package to stdlib or something

@owenthereal sdlib sql is an interface and several drivers implement it -,, and some more do, but only the first one works here, so naming the package stdlib or driversql would be even more misleading. In the PR that you referenced I tried to add mysql support, but it simply does not work.