vfxpro99 / usd-build-club

This project includes recipes to build Pixar's Universal Scene Description, its Python bindings, and all necessary prerequisites on Mac and Windows

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Building with alternative CMake generators? (NMake Makefiles JOM)

boberfly opened this issue · comments

Hi all,

Has anyone tried to build USD using NMake (JOM)? It's the NMake replacement which can do multicore builds. https://wiki.qt.io/Jom

So far I've tried it and it gets stuck with:
pxr\base\lib\arch\CMakeFiles\arch.dir\flags.make(5) : fatal error U1033: syntax error : '/Zc' unexpected

I'll keep digging, perhaps here:

The colon is getting dropped somehow.

Why I want this alternative way of building is that I'm currently 'experimenting' with a docker container which doesn't have MSTarget available.


Aha it's all that whitespace that trips it up, removing it seems to make it build now, great!

Interesting issue, good detective work!