vfportero / XmlUnit.Xunit

A port of XmlUnit (http://xmlunit.sourceforge.net/) to Xunit. Assertions in this version are Xunit assertions.

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XmlUnit.Xunit provides Xunit.NET based assertions tailored to testing XML. The project contains assertions for comparing XML, applying XPath and XSLT expression to XML under test. All assertions come in two flavors: A traditional set of static assertion methods, and a fluent "should" style assertions.


You grab the source from here, download a build from [here] (https://github.com/horsdal/XmlUnit.Xunit/downloads) or install [the NuGet package] (http://nuget.org/List/Packages/XmlUnit.Xunit).

Beware that both the binary in the download tab and the NuGet package may give you assembly conflicts on Xunit.NET. To get around that you need an [assmebly rebind of Xunit.NET] (http://horsdal.blogspot.com/2011/09/tip-for-making-autofixture-and-xunitnet.html).

Traditional Assertions

The traditional assertions in XmlUnit.Xunit er all static methods on the class XmlAssertion, and are used like this:

    public void AssertStringEqualAndIdenticalToSelf()
        string control = "<assert>true</assert>";
        string test = "<assert>true</assert>";
        XmlAssertion.AssertXmlIdentical(control, test);
        XmlAssertion.AssertXmlEquals(control, test);

    private static readonly string MY_SOLAR_SYSTEM =
        "<solar-system><planet name='Earth' position='3' supportsLife='yes'/><planet name='Venus' position='4'/></solar-system>";

    public void AssertXPathExistsWorksForExistentXPath()

    public void AssertXPathEvaluatesToWorksForMatchingExpression()
    public void AssertXslTransformResultsWorksWithStrings()
        string xslt = XsltTests.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM;
        string someXml = "<a><b>c</b><b/></a>";
        XmlAssertion.AssertXslTransformResults(xslt, someXml, someXml);

Fluent Assertions

The fluent assertions are all extension methods with names starting with Should, and are used like this:

    public void AssertStringEqualAndIdenticalToSelf()
        string control = "<assert>true</assert>";
        string test = "<assert>true</assert>";

    private static readonly string MY_SOLAR_SYSTEM =
        "<solar-system><planet name='Earth' position='3' supportsLife='yes'/><planet name='Venus' position='4'/></solar-system>";

    public void AssertXPathExestsWorksForXmlInput()
        new XmlInput(MY_SOLAR_SYSTEM)
    public void AssertXPathEvaluatesToWorksForMatchingExpression()

    public void AssertXPathExistsWorksWithXpathFirstWithXmlInput()
        var sut = new XmlInput(MY_SOLAR_SYSTEM);
    public void AssertXPathEvaluatesToWorksWithXPathFirst()
    public void AssertXslTransformResultsWorksWithStrings()
        string xslt = XsltTests.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM;
        string someXml = "<a><b>c</b><b/></a>";


Further Information

Is probably best gleened off [the tests] (https://github.com/horsdal/XmlUnit.Xunit/tree/master/XmlUnit.xUnitTests) in this project, especially the tests for [XmlAssertions] (https://github.com/horsdal/XmlUnit.Xunit/blob/master/XmlUnit.xUnitTests/XmlAssertionTests.cs) and the tests for [Should assertions] (https://github.com/horsdal/XmlUnit.Xunit/blob/master/XmlUnit.xUnitTests/XmlShouldAssertionTests.cs).


Please do! Fork, code, send pull request. :-)


A port of XmlUnit (http://xmlunit.sourceforge.net/) to Xunit. Assertions in this version are Xunit assertions.



Language:C# 100.0%