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Transport.ts has a too restricitive type-definition

sashabjorkman opened this issue · comments

Bug Report

Your environment

  • mediasoup-client version: 3.6.82

Issue description

IceCandidate is currently defined to have a property called tcpType having one of three string literal values. The mediasoup Rust library (when used with serde) however creates an IceCandidate object which does not contain tcpType if the candidate is a UDP candidate (the library is in perfect accordance with the WebRTC spec in this regard). When creating the signaling code for my project, I noticed that this inconsistency between mediasoup and mediasoup-client is rather annoying. The problem boils down to mediasoup-client always expecting there to be a tcpType. As such it is impossible to satisfy both the JSON validator (Zod in my instance) and the type-system.

Possible solutions:
A) define IceCandidate as a union type between IceCandidateGeneric and IceCandidateTCP (and let IceCandidateTCP have a literal protocol: 'tcp' and tcpType: ...)?
B) just let tcpType be undefined (probably the best and simplest solution)

tcpType: 'active' | 'passive' | 'so';

tcpType?: 'active' | 'passive' | 'so'; 

I would normally create a PR for such a case (and I am willing to do so if told what solution you like the best) but thought that the necessary change is so small that it would just be unnecessary effort for the maintainers to merge that in.

The related Zod code that doesn't play well with current type definitions:

iceCandidates: z.array(z.object({
    foundation: z.string(),
    priority: z.number(),
    ip: z.string(),
    protocol: z.enum(['udp', 'tcp']),
    port: z.number(),
    type: z.enum(['host', 'srflx', 'prflx', 'relay']),
    tcpType: z.enum(['active', 'passive', 'so']).optional(), // Adding .optional causes issues

For now, one can probably just provide a default value for tcpType in the validator and everything should work fine as tcpType is only left empty when not using a TCP candidate.

Warm regards,
Alexander B

tcpType is not even required in the API docs so this is obviously a bug. Fixing.

Released in 3.6.83, thanks for reporting.