vernemq / rebar3_cuttlefish

Cuttlefish plugin for rebar3

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Compilation failes

mkrusemark opened this issue · comments

I added the plugin with {project_plugins, [rebar3_cuttlefish]}. Download of 0.16.0 succeeds as well as it's dependencies. But compilation files in rebar3 version 3.4.7:

Error: {badmatch,[]}

Great that you own both projects :-)

Best regards,

Hope this output helps:

$ rebar3 release
===> Fetching rebar3_cuttlefish ({pkg,<<"rebar3_cuttlefish">>,
===> Downloaded package, caching at c:/cygwin/home/mkrusem/.cache/rebar3/hex/default/packages/rebar3_cuttlefish-0.16.0.tar
===> Fetching cuttlefish ({pkg,<<"cuttlefish">>,<<"2.0.12">>})
===> Downloaded package, caching at c:/cygwin/home/mkrusem/.cache/rebar3/hex/default/packages/cuttlefish-2.0.12.tar
===> Fetching getopt ({pkg,<<"getopt">>,<<"0.8.2">>})
===> Downloaded package, caching at c:/cygwin/home/mkrusem/.cache/rebar3/hex/default/packages/getopt-0.8.2.tar
===> Fetching lager ({pkg,<<"lager">>,<<"3.2.4">>})
===> Downloaded package, caching at c:/cygwin/home/mkrusem/.cache/rebar3/hex/default/packages/lager-3.2.4.tar
===> Fetching goldrush ({pkg,<<"goldrush">>,<<"0.1.9">>})
===> Downloaded package, caching at c:/cygwin/home/mkrusem/.cache/rebar3/hex/default/packages/goldrush-0.1.9.tar
===> Compiling goldrush
===> Compiling lager
===> Compiling getopt
===> Compiling cuttlefish
===> Building escript...
===> Compiling rebar3_cuttlefish
===> Uncaught error in rebar_core. Run with DEBUG=1 to see stacktrace or consult rebar3.crashdump

Best regards,

I don't expect rebar3 r cuttlefish must deal with filesystem errors. Sorry for this disturbance.

Best regards,

No worries :)