verless / verless

A Static Site Generator designed for Markdown-based content with a focus on simplicity and performance.

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Make it possible to use template inheritance / parse all templates

alinnert opened this issue · comments

The problem the feature solves

I tried to leverage template inheritance as described in this article: Unfortunately it doesn't work because verless doesn't recognize my "base" template.

❗ failed to build the project: template: list-page.html:1:11: executing "list-page.html" at <{{template "base" .}}>: template "base" not defined

Your suggested solution

Does verless only read those templates that are mentioned in theme.yml + page.html and list-page.html? I think to make this work you need to parse all templates inside that folder.

Or: you could add a property in theme.yml that lists all template files that are used indirectly. But this could get tedious pretty quickly.