verless / verless

A Static Site Generator designed for Markdown-based content with a focus on simplicity and performance.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Grammar in plugin subsection of the Tutorial

opened this issue · comments


In the tutorial Subsection you have:
"verless supports some plugins that are desirable for many, but not all project out there - so verless wants you to explicitly active the plugins you need. Maybe you noticed that small plugins section in verless.yml:"


Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to this link:
  2. Scroll down to "Plugins" Subsection

Expected behavior

I'm pretty sure you mean to say:
"... so verless wants you to explicitly make active (or) activate the plugins you need. ..."

verless version

The output of verless version:

System information

  • OS: [Windows]
  • Version: [e.g. 10]

Can you please assign this task to me?
Thank You