verekia / js-stack-from-scratch

🛠️⚡ Step-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript stack.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


verekia opened this issue · comments

Ongoing translations of V2:

Comment in this thread with your language and forked repository link and I'll add it to this top post.

I can translate to spanish. Here is the Repo.

To everyone here: Pull the latest changes in your fork. I have removed all the code from the repository, so we now only have READMEs here, which will make diffs much easier to read when you pull new changes :) @Alcondez @usulpro

Example: 9b3852f...master

I am starting on a Hebrew translation 😄

Starting a Brazilian Portuguese translation

@ygorlazaro hey man, can you activate issues in your fork, so we can define which chapter we'll translate?

@bruunoromero Done, my bad! 😄

Starting Chinese Traditional Version, finsihed

@smilewalker @j0214ack Can you two work together on the Chinese translation?

@usulpro @Alcondez Can you two try to pull the latest changes to your respective repos? I reorganized the MD files to make it easier for translations.

I suppose there are regional issue though, cuz some terms are translated differently in China and in Taiwan, and some Taiwanese people don't read Simplified Chinese well and the other way around.

But sure, I am happy to work together! Just pointing out that the necessity of two different Chinese versions.

So @smilewalker's is "Simplified Chinese" ?

@verekia Yes, and also the v1 Chinese version is Simplified Chinese.

@verekia Yeah, " Simplified Chinese".

@smilewalker would you mind open issue feature so that maybe we could discuss with each other ?

Hi @verekia I am not sure if the existing Indonesian translation is still being worked as it has no commit from 4-5 months ago. I have forked your awesome tutorial and started to translate the README. Here is my repo:

@Alcondez @JMEspiz Can you two work together? You can maybe use @JMEspiz's repo since he started :)

@finly Added your repo to the list, thank you! <3

@verekia sorry I've been very busy lately, i will contribute on @finly translation instead :)

@verekia @JMEspiz sure no problem.

@j0214ack okay, opened it.

according to the issue #93 i'm available for supporting French translation.
Let me know where to begin. @taggaddaaaa ?

@AmauryVanEspen Thank you! There are some instructions on how to get started here:
Let me know when you have a fork repo ready and I'll add it to the top post list :)


German Version (

Just did the first Readme today. 👍 More will come


Keep an eye on Simple Chinese version.

@fuchao2012 Hmm, what do you mean? 🎶

I'll be helping @JMEspiz with spanish translation! :)

Congratulations to @fbertone for the first complete translation with Italian! Good job my friend!

Hi guys,

Starting Bulgarian translation -

Good work to everybody!

Hi, @verekia . I tried to contact @smilewalker , but did not receive a reply. So I have finished my own translation Simplified Chinese

Damn, good job @yepbug, awesome work. I added your translation to the main page.

@bruunoromero @ygorlazaro
Hi guys, I did not see the link to the repository above and I started the translation here. Https://

Hi @nurycaroline ,

how do you think to merge it? Do you want to take our changes to your repository? If so, can you make me a maintainer to?

I'll be happy to work at your repo, no problems to me

@yepbug have finished it, which is great, and I advise that his translation replaces mine. Something happened to me, but it was not an excuse. I feel so sorry for my delay. @yepbug @verekia

@smilewalker No worries my friend. Maybe you can help @yepbug if there are updates in the future? Cheers!

@ygorlazaro Hi,
I sent you a pull request with my changes.

Hey Jonathan @verekia , you can remove the Bulgarian from the ongoing translations :)

Done, thank you :)

This Simplified Chinese version seems is stagnant, may I continue to translate it by myself? I think I could complete it no more than a week.

@viosey Simplified Chinese has already been completed by @yepbug in this repo:

This repo is linked to on the main README of the English version :)

Congratulations to @naomiHauret for her emoji-rich French translation! 🔥 🔥 🔥

Heads up: The V3 of the tutorial (which will have tons of changes compared to V2) will be out on July 31st :) #255

Hi there! Ongoing Polish translation is here: Best greetings