verekia / js-stack-from-scratch

🛠️⚡ Step-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript stack.

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Tutorial V2: Let's do this!

verekia opened this issue · comments

Hey everyone,

I finally managed to allocate some personal time to work on this major update of the tutorial.

I have created a separate repository for the final boilerplate code of the tutorial.

Before I start updating the instructions of the tutorial, I would appreciate some feedback regarding this boilerplate.

The major changes that happened compared to the final code of the tutorial v1 are:

  • Gulp is gone, replaced by NPM scripts.
  • Express has been added, with template strings for static HTML
  • Support for development environment with Nodemon and production environment with PM2. Minification or sourcemaps depending on the environment via Webpack. Gzip compression enabled.
  • Webpack Dev Server added, with Hot Module Replacement and react-hot-loader
  • Added an asynchronous call example with redux-thunk integration.
  • Linting / typechecking / testing is not launched at every file change anymore, but triggered by Git Hooks via Husky. This makes your workflow much smoother, while still protecting your repository from bad code.
  • Some chapters have been combined to make it easier to maintain the tutorial.
  • Replaced Chai and Mocha by Jest.
  • Added React-Router, Server-Side rendering, react-helmet.
  • Renamed all "dog" things and replaced it by "hello" things. It's a Hello World app after all.
  • Added Twitter Bootstrap, JSS, and react-jss for styling.
  • Added a Websocket example with
  • Added optional Heroku, Travis, and Coveralls integrations.

Thank you!

It's a great news! 👍
Cant wait to start translate it into Russian :)

BTW Don't you want to include React Storybook as a great React development tool?

Looking forward to the CSS library, curious between Post-CSS and SASS.

Thanks @verekia 🍻, for this fresh take on a diluted topic!
I'm enjoying your tutoring style, and the boilerplates are both top-notch 👌

On Win 10 64 build when testing the v2 boilerplate:

The npm script build and dependent scripts prod, full-check, precommit and prepush will fail, producing

'NODE_ENV' is not recognized
error Command failed with exit code 1.

change build script in package.json to:

"build": "rimraf dist lib && set NODE_ENV=production&& webpack -p && babel src/server -d lib/server && babel src/shared -d lib/shared",

to fix.

edit this will break Unix/Mac support

V2 is released :)