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Helm charts for the Astronomer Platform

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Astronomer Platform Helm Charts


This repository contains the helm charts for deploying the Astronomer Platform into a Kubernetes cluster.

Astronomer is a commercial "Airflow as a Service" platform that runs on Kubernetes. Source code is made available for the benefit of our customers, if you'd like to use the platform reach out for a license or try out Astronomer Cloud.


Astronomer Architecture

Docker images

Docker images for deploying and running Astronomer are currently available on DockerHub.


The Astronomer Platform documentation is located at


We welcome any contributions:

  • Report all enhancements, bugs, and tasks as GitHub issues
  • Provide fixes or enhancements by opening pull requests in Github

Local Development

Install the following tools:

  • docker (make sure your user has permissions - try 'docker ps')
  • kubectl
  • kind
  • gcloud cli (make sure gsutil in PATH)
  • helm

Make sure you have access to the GCP development account

# Check that you can download the development TLS cert:
gsutil cat gs://astronomer-development-certificates/fullchain.pem

If this does not work, anyone with 'Owner' in the development project can grant you 'Owner' via IAM.

Run this script from the root of this repository:


Each time you run the script, the platform will be fully reset to the current helm chart.

Customizing the local deployment

Turn on or off parts of the platform

Modify the "tags:" in configs/local-dev.yaml

  • platform: core Astronomer components
  • logging (large impact on RAM use): ElasticSearch, Kibana, Fluentd (aka 'EFK' stack)
  • monitoring: Prometheus
  • kubed: leave on

Add a Docker image into KinD's nodes (so it's available for pods):

kind load docker-image <your local image tag>

Make use of that image:

Make note of your pod name

kubectl get pods -n astronomer

Find the corresponding deployment, daemonset, or statefulset

kubectl get deployment -n astronomer

Replace the pod with the new image Look for "image" on the appropriate container and replace with the local tag, and set the pull policy to never.

kubectl edit deployment -n astronomer <your deployment>

Change Kubernetes version:

export KUBE_VERSION='v1.16.3'


Releasing Guide


Usage of Astronomer code requires an Astronomer Platform Enterprise Edition license.


Helm charts for the Astronomer Platform

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Smarty 44.6%Language:Shell 42.2%Language:Makefile 13.2%