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@vercel/og will not work on edge outside of next - noto-sans-v27-latin-regular.ttf

jdgamble555 opened this issue · comments

Bug report

Description / Observed Behavior

The Vercel Docs show an example where vercel/og should work on other frameworks on the edge:

However, when you deploy vercel/og on the edge using anything other than next, you get this error:

Error: The Edge Function "fn" is referencing unsupported modules:
10:35:14.868 | - index.js: vc-blob-asset:./noto-sans-v27-latin-regular.ttf

This seems to be a problem with /dist/index.edge.js on this line (18983):

var fallbackFont = fetch(new URL("./noto-sans-v27-latin-regular.ttf", import.meta.url))
.then((res) => res.arrayBuffer());

Which I believe is related to src/index.edge.ts file.

Expected Behavior

It should deploy without problems on the edge and display the image correctly as in development environments.


Change the runtime to use edge:

Additional Context

Facing the same problem, I think this has to do with the next v14 because it did work before and there are already plenty solutions that used to work.

As a matter of fact I tried all of them and it just won't work even when supplying a custom font it will still try to load noto-sans and crash.

Hey guys, this is a huge problem. Could you guys please look at this, as it makes several other repos not work!


Can we please get this looked at!

The Edge Function "fn" is referencing unsupported modules: - index.js: vc-blob-asset:./noto-sans-v27-latin-regular.ttf

This is a HUGE problem and effects many repos!!!


I too would love for this to work


For those who come across this issue in app router, a work-around is to install @vercel/og, and import the ImageResponse class from there, instead of importing from next/og.