vercel / hyper

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command not found: hyper

wunaidouzi opened this issue · comments

  • Your version is 3.4.1. Please verify you're using the latest version
  • I have searched the issues of this repo and believe that this is not a duplicate

  • Any relevant information from devtools? (CMD+OPTION+I on macOS, CTRL+SHIFT+I elsewhere):
  • Is the issue reproducible in vanilla


  • Hyper version: undefined "3.4.1"
  • OS ARCH VERSION: darwin arm64 22.4.0
  • Electron: 20.3.6 LANG: undefined
  • SHELL: /bin/zsh TERM: undefined
.hyper.js contents
  "updateChannel": "stable",
  "fontSize": 18,
  "fontFamily": "Jetbrains Mono, Menlo, \"DejaVu Sans Mono\", Consolas, \"Lucida Console\", monospace",
  "fontWeight": "normal",
  "fontWeightBold": "normal",
  "lineHeight": 1.28,
  "letterSpacing": 0,
  "cursorColor": "#f8f8f2",
  "cursorAccentColor": "#000",
  "cursorShape": "BEAM",
  "cursorBlink": true,
  "foregroundColor": "#f8f8f2",
  "backgroundColor": "#000",
  "selectionColor": "#2E305C",
  "borderColor": "#111",
  "css": "",
  "termCSS": "",
  "workingDirectory": "",
  "showHamburgerMenu": "",
  "showWindowControls": "",
  "padding": "8px",
  "colors": {
    "black": "#000000",
    "red": "#ff5555",
    "green": "#00FF95",
    "yellow": "#f1fa8c",
    "blue": "#bd93f9",
    "magenta": "#ff79c6",
    "cyan": "#8be9fd",
    "white": "#bfbfbf",
    "lightBlack": "#4d4d4d",
    "lightRed": "#ff6e67",
    "lightGreen": "#5af78e",
    "lightYellow": "#f4f99d",
    "lightBlue": "#caa9fa",
    "lightMagenta": "#ff92d0",
    "lightCyan": "#9aedfe",
    "lightWhite": "#e6e6e6"
  "shell": "",
  "shellArgs": [
  "env": {},
  "bell": "SOUND",
  "copyOnSelect": false,
  "defaultSSHApp": true,
  "quickEdit": true,
  "macOptionSelectionMode": "vertical",
  "webGLRenderer": true,
  "webLinksActivationKey": "",
  "disableLigatures": true
  "plugins": [
  "localPlugins": []

I too came across this problem previously and was able to resolve it by following the procedure provided in the comment below.
#3349 (comment)


I came across this issue when installing Hyper via the website. You can use Homebrew to install hyper and it will fix this issue.

brew install hyper