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Audible beep via ANSI Escape Code not working

LostInCompilation opened this issue · comments

  • I am on the latest version
  • I have searched the issues of this repo and believe that this is not a duplicate
  • OS version and name: macOS 13.2
  • version: V3.4.1
  • The issue is reproducible in vanilla Yes


The ANSI Escape Code for an audible beep (Bell Code) does not work with Hyper on macOS. It is working with macOS's native To test it: echo -ne "\007"

It seems like Hyper does not support many default ANSI Escape Codes, including the text blinking style (#6992). Is it planned to support more ANSI Escape Codes in the future? Especially blinking and beeps are very basic functionalities, that should not be missing.

I'm using zsh. It also doesn't work with sh/bash.