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Weird output when running Kubernetes commands.

pranavelric opened this issue · comments

  • I am on the latest version
  • I have searched the issues of this repo and believe that this is not a duplicate
  • OS version and name: Ubuntu 20.04

  • version: 3.2.3

  • The issue is reproducible in vanilla

  • .hyper.js

"use strict";
module.exports = {
    config: {
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        selectionColor: 'rgba(248,28,229,0.3)',
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        css: '',
        termCSS: '',
        workingDirectory: '',
        showHamburgerMenu: '',
        showWindowControls: '',
        padding: '12px 14px',
        hyperStatusLine: {
                dirtyColor: 'salmon',
                  aheadColor: 'ivory',
                    footerTransparent: true,

         hyperSearchUI: {
        inputBorderRadius: 2
      hyperTabs: {
        trafficButtons: true,
         tabIconsColored: true,
          border: true,

        colors: {
            black: '#000000',
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            magenta: '#C839C5',
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            lightBlack: '#686868',
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            lightCyan: '#68FDFE',
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            limeGreen: '#32CD32',
            lightCoral: '#F08080',
      env: {DEBUG: true},
      bell: 'SOUND',
      copyOnSelect: false,
      defaultSSHApp: true,
      quickEdit: false,
      macOptionSelectionMode: 'vertical',
      webGLRenderer: true,
    plugins: [
    localPlugins: [],
    keymaps: {


While running kubectx command on hyper terminal I am getting weird output as shown in screenshot below.

I am getting similar output while running kubens command.

This doesn't look like an issue with Hyper, it looks like it just set +x when calling kubectx. If you take a look at, you should see some similarities.

@drewgonzales360 , How can I resolve this : I tried inputting set +x before running kubectx or kubens. But still there commands are giving that debug output.

It's difficult to say. I don't know how your environment is set up. Since this isn't an issue with the terminal, I'd say that we should close this 😁. I'd look at the dotfiles on your machine and see if you can find any smoking guns.