vercel / hyper-site

The official website for the Hyper terminal

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Low audit scores

vassbence opened this issue · comments


The site could use a little bit of elbow grease, the audit scores are quite low for a fully static website. I'll try my best clean up the repo, use the latest Next.js features, etc. I'll note any changes that are not part of the 1:1 rewrite but made sense for one reason or antoher.

See current progress in #172.

Let me know if you want anything else fixed, also I would love to receive some feedback.


Looking good! Another big area of improvement is removing getInitialProps from all pages in favor of fully static pages.

Notable change: removed getInitialProps from the source-code viewer page and opted for showing nothing until the very first file is ready for display and play a 200ms appear animation.

Also changed the header from displaying the currently active file to Hyper Store - Source of ${} as most of the time the filename + prefix was too long and could not be read anyways.

Notable change: renamed the /plugin/[id] path to /store/[id] as the meta tags and document title already read Hyper Store + it makes more sense since we have both plugins and themes under this url.

Notable change: Removed MDX and the wrapper component -- it was hard coded with the single blog post's meta. Will replace with a better rehype/remark based SSG solution later.

Let me know if you want me to update the font-stack to use Inter due to the Chrome bug or just wait it out (and see what uses after bugfix).