vercel / async-retry

Retrying made simple, easy and async

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Throw previous error if there's a timeout

cdeevfrr opened this issue · comments

Right now, code like this will actually throw the error 'RetryOperation timeout occurred' which originates in node-retry. It should throw the error I made ("HI" + Math.random()), but doesn't because of a timeout error.

import * as retry from 'async-retry'

async function throwsErrors(){
  await delay(1000)
  throw new Error("HI" + Math.random())

  async (bail, attempt) => {
      await throwsErrors()
  } , {
    maxRetryTime: 100,
    minTimeout: 2,
    randomize: true,
    retries: 100,
    onRetry: console.log

async function delay(milliseconds: number) {
  return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds))

I made an issue in node-retry that describes why this happens in detail, but the gist is that if you call retryOperation.retry(err) and there's a timeout error, node-retry drops err. I'm not sure if this is something that node-retry needs to support or if it's something that you can/should handle here.

We created this PR on node-retry, though I'm not sure how long it'll take until it gets looked at

Has anyone had a chance to look at this?