veox / python3-krakenex

REST Exchange API for, Python 3

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Balance query returning zero information - {'error': [], 'result': {}}

balicker opened this issue · comments


OS: Ubuntu 18.04.1       
Python:  3.6.7
krakenex: latest

What are you trying to achieve?

Get my account balances

def Krk_Bals():
	api = krakenex.API(key='my_kraken_key', secret='my_kraken_secret')
	mykbals = api.query_private('Balance')

What do you expect to happen?

I'm expecting to get back an "array of asset names and balance amount" as it says on

What happens instead?

I get this response: {'error': [], 'result': {}}

i.e it looks like the signing is correct / I am receiving no error message, but the result of the array is empty.

Can someone enlighten me please?

I believe I've discovered why this is happening for anyone experiencing anything similar:

I haven't done a single thing on my Kraken Account yet. That's it. I've not made any deposits of any kind; I've not therefore done a single trade; have no history; nada; zilch.

And apparently this means that the API 'has nothing to go on' with regards to my account.

So I'll make a small deposit, and then report back here and see if that fixed it.

Correct. Kraken returns empty-set data on assets where you've had no activity.

This is neither an issue with Kraken nor krakenex.

Thanks, it all confirmed as described after a small initial deposit. Thanks for confirmation.