venediktov / vanilla-rtb

Real Time Bidding (RTB) - Demand Side Platform framework

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Dockernize entire stack and its dependencies

venediktov opened this issue · comments

Even though we see people attempt to build our stack , sometimes it's required to update compilers and dependency libraries. To eliminate this leg work and make our stack build-ready for open source community our team decided to provide an isolated container based solution - container images .
The images are locked down Linux containers with file system containing complete vanilla stack and all
its build/run dependencies .

On our plate:

  • Create docker directory with base, dev, prod docker files
  • Integrate with for automated builds
  • Make sure pre-builds vanilla image in Release mode
  • Create readme on how to build and release docker containers manually
  • Introduce GitHub tags and make a first release of existing vanilla stack on GitHub
  • Make sure the only builds based on our GitHub tags : basically skip intermediate updates to git repository and only release docker images based on our GitHub tags.