venantius / vim-cljfmt

A Vim plugin for cljfmt, the Clojure formatting tool.

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Bad interaction with vim-gitgutter

pjt opened this issue · comments

When using vim-cljfmt with vim-gitgutter (, saving a file raises an error along the lines of "undefined variable l:cljfmt_output" when processing a vim-gitgutter function, & overwrites the file with the empty string.

Versions of each plugin:

  • vim-cljfmt: 325a787
  • vim-gitgutter: e5efbaffc066ababc9ae0d689c7050fa5d6591bd

Sorry for the non-verbatim error message & short report, but I had to uninstall & get back to work today, but wanted to get the info out about the error & bad failure condition – an overwritten file.

Yeah, this looks very similar to the other issue I've got open right now #6 - not sure what's going on with l:cljfmt_output but that looks to be the root of the problem. More diagnostics to follow.

I believe 50e47e0 should fix this. Please update and let me know if you're still experiencing the issue.

Updated & new behavior is: I save the file, message flashes in status line then disappears (I couldn't read it or figure out how to get it back – nothing was in :messages), then file is overwritten with the empty string.

Just out of curiosity, what makes you think that it's vim-gitgutter that's interfering with vim-cljfmt here? vim-cljfmt does attempt to format the file on write, so my suspicion is that it's not a vim-gitgutter problem.

Rather, what I mean is that I suspect vim-cljfmt may be to blame in isolation from any activity on vim-gitgutter's part.

Good question, & turns out you're right to suspect that. I disabled vim-gitgutter & saw the same results: file is overwritten upon save.

I suspected vim-gitgutter before b/c of the error message. Now, as I mentioned, I can't glimpse the error message so can't report.

The file I'm testing with is my project.clj. If I run lein cljfmt check project.clj, it reports: "All source files formatted correctly."

@pjt - I think the latest commit should have fixed this. Would you mind pulling and giving it a try?

Sorry for the delay. Running against this commit does indeed seem to solve the problem. I no longer get a wiped buffer or an overwritten file.

I tried running :Cljfmt with a mis-configured nREPL running (no cljfmt in my ~/.lein/profiles.clj), & I see the good same behavior of the buffer getting wiped. However, if possible it'd be nice to see an explanatory Vim error message ("Cljfmt encountered problems formatting file; please make sure cljfmt is in your project dependencies" or some such). Otherwise the behavior (no change to file) is indistinguishable from :Cljfmt running on an already well formatted file.

Thanks for the attention to this!

Finally got around to fixing this. Let me know if you encounter any other issues :)