veliovgroup / mail-time

📮 Email queue extending NodeMailer with multi SMTP transports and horizontally scaled applications support

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Template does not render handlebar expressions

satyavh opened this issue · comments

I got server defined like this:

  const MailQueue = new MailTime({
    db, // MongoDB
    type: 'server',
    strategy: 'backup', // Transports will be used in round robin chain
    from() {
      // To pass spam-filters `from` field should be correctly set
      // for each transport, check `transport` object for more options
      return "Example <>";
    concatEmails: false, // Concatenate emails to the same addressee
    debug: true

And client like this:

  const MailQueue = new MailTime({
    db, // MongoDB
    type: 'client',
    debug: true

Now I"m sending an email like this:

      to: '',
      subject: 'You\'ve got an email!',
      user: "John",
      html: template,
      template: "{{{html}}}",
      baseUrl: host

And I load the template like this:

    fs.readFile(process.env.PWD + app.get('templates') + '/email.html', (err, data) => {
      if (err) { reject() };

The email sends fine, but the handlebars expressions in the template are not replaced with the opts.
What am I doing wrong?

Hello @satyavh ,

  1. What do you mean by handlebar expressions, could you provide an example from used template?
  2. Try this:
      to: '',
      subject: 'You\'ve got an email!',
      user: "John",
      template: template,  // <- Template with Mustache-like placeholders, here you can use options used in `sendMail`, like: to, subject, user, and baseUrl
      baseUrl: host

Sorry, I mean Mustache-like placeholders!
Here's a part that does not render

<p>Hi {{user}}, </p>

It return like this in the email Hi {{user}}

Try my example (from above):

      to: '',
      subject: 'You\'ve got an email!',
      user: "John",
      template: template,  // <- Template with Mustache-like placeholders, here you can use options used in `sendMail`, like: to, subject, user, and baseUrl
      baseUrl: host

Sorry, it doesn't work.

I'm now parsing my templates with
You might want to use that too.

@satyavh does it work if you use it as global template?

  const MailQueue = new MailTime({
    db, // MongoDB
    type: 'server',
    strategy: 'backup', // Transports will be used in round robin chain
    from() {
      // To pass spam-filters `from` field should be correctly set
      // for each transport, check `transport` object for more options
      return "Example <>";
    concatEmails: false, // Concatenate emails to the same addressee
    template: 'Hi {{user}}',
    debug: true

and then send:

      to: '',
      subject: 'You\'ve got an email!',
      user: "John",
      baseUrl: host

Yes that works

According to this line, next code should work too:

  const MailQueue = new MailTime({
    db, // MongoDB
    type: 'server',
    strategy: 'backup', // Transports will be used in round robin chain
    from() {
      // To pass spam-filters `from` field should be correctly set
      // for each transport, check `transport` object for more options
      return "Example <>";
    concatEmails: false, // Concatenate emails to the same addressee
    debug: true

    to: '',
    subject: 'You\'ve got an email!',
    user: "John",
    baseUrl: host,
    html: '<p>Hi {{user}}</p>',
    template: '{{{html}}}'

Is it the same as in your initial message?

No that does not work, the email now shows:
Hi {{user}}

Marked as [bug], thank you for reporting this.
Going to double check it.

@satyavh Thank you for noticing this issue.

This was fixed and published as v1.0.0. Please try it at you end.

Feel free to reopen it in case if the issue is still persists on your end.