veliovgroup / mail-time

📮 Email queue extending NodeMailer with multi SMTP transports and horizontally scaled applications support

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Mail Template using Handlebars

juanmartin opened this issue · comments

Hi, I'm using the mail-time module to handle queues in case of loss of internet connection.
I think I got it working fine, the issue I'm having is related to the template file for the email I need to send.
When creating a new MailTime object I define:
template: './views/mail.handlebars'
When I send the email I get the error:
Error: html nor text field is presented, at least one those fields is required.
But if I define text or html it overrides the template. How can I overcome this?

Thank you for your great work!

Hello @juanmartin ,

You have to use plaintext (String) as a value for template option.

The error you're experiencing seems to be unrelated to a Template, please double-check html or text field is passed to sendMail method.

Feel free to close it in case if the issue is solved on your end.

Hello @dr-dimitru
OK now I've seen the example in test.js I understand.
The thing is that my client needs the template to be a separate file so they can edit it easier.
Is there a way to call this file? I've been using nodemailer-express-handlebars to render an external .handlebars file.
In fact, I have it in my transport object:

        transporter.use('compile', hbs({
            viewEngine: {
                extName: '.handlebars',
                partialsDir: './views',
                layoutsDir: './views',
                defaultLayout: 'mail.handlebars',
            viewPath: './views',
            extName: '.handlebars',

Still, it won't use this. Help plsss!

Compile template out of SNMP chain, before sending an email and pass it as a String to sendMail(...) method

Closed due to silence at issue owner end.
Feel free to reopen it in case if the issue still persists on your end.