vegaprotocol / MultisigControl

Solidity contracts for the Ethereum <-> Vega bridge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Edit `2_contract_launch.js` and uncomment the VUSD5 lines

nzbaen opened this issue · comments


Edit 2_contract_launch.js and uncomment the VUSD5 lines

Please edit and uncomment the two lines in the specified contract launch file:

// await deployer.deploy(VUSD_TEST, "VUSD_TEST", "VUSD", 18, 1000000);
//   await vega_bridge_erc20_instance.whitelist_asset_admin(VUSD_TEST.address, 0);

This to allow the dockerisedvega to add the VUSD5 asset