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Numeric Instability During Linear Regression With Large x-values

JackFielding opened this issue · comments

I was using the altair package (version 5.2.0), and the linear regression transform seems numerically unstable for large x values. The regression line fits the data poorly.

I was using a datetime x-axis. The number of epoch seconds since 1970 is 1,709,023,537 (milliseconds 1000x higher), so the x-values can be very large.

Related Issues

  • #2378 Similar instability noted for exponential regression, fixed with mean-centering.
  • #2198 Another older issue.

Minimal Example

In altair I used the following code (based on the example in

import altair as alt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

x = np.linspace(0, 10)
x_big = x + 1_000_000_000
y = x - 5 + np.random.randn(len(x))

df = pd.DataFrame({'x': x, 'y': y, "x_big": x_big})

def scatter_with_regression(x):
    chart = alt.Chart(df).mark_point().encode(
        x=alt.X(x, scale=alt.Scale(zero=False)),

    return chart + chart.transform_regression(x, 'y').mark_line()

(scatter_with_regression(x="x") | scatter_with_regression(x="x_big")).properties(title="Linear Regression Transformation Could Benefit from Mean Centering")

This code generated the generated the following chart:


The chart has a vega-lite JSON representation of:

  "config": {"view": {"continuousWidth": 300, "continuousHeight": 300}},
  "hconcat": [
      "layer": [
          "mark": {"type": "point"},
          "encoding": {
            "x": {
              "field": "x",
              "scale": {"zero": false},
              "type": "quantitative"
            "y": {"field": "y", "type": "quantitative"}
          "mark": {"type": "line"},
          "encoding": {
            "x": {
              "field": "x",
              "scale": {"zero": false},
              "type": "quantitative"
            "y": {"field": "y", "type": "quantitative"}
          "transform": [{"on": "x", "regression": "y"}]
      "layer": [
          "mark": {"type": "point"},
          "encoding": {
            "x": {
              "field": "x_big",
              "scale": {"zero": false},
              "type": "quantitative"
            "y": {"field": "y", "type": "quantitative"}
          "mark": {"type": "line"},
          "encoding": {
            "x": {
              "field": "x_big",
              "scale": {"zero": false},
              "type": "quantitative"
            "y": {"field": "y", "type": "quantitative"}
          "transform": [{"on": "x_big", "regression": "y"}]
  "data": {"name": "data-44ec9525e1d4ab566db24882f3a645ef"},
  "title": "Linear Regression Transformation Could Benefit from Mean Centering",
  "$schema": "",
  "datasets": {
    "data-44ec9525e1d4ab566db24882f3a645ef": [
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        "x_big": 1000000000.4081633
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        "x_big": 1000000001.4285715
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