vdumoulin / conv_arithmetic

A technical report on convolution arithmetic in the context of deep learning

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Possible minor error in sentence: "zero padding" -> "padding"

hmf opened this issue · comments


In the second last sentence of section 2.2 we have:

In practice, two specific instances of zero padding are used quite extensively because of their respective properties.

I suspect it should be:

"In practice, two specific instances of zero padding are used quite extensively because of their respective properties."

The fist section of chapter 3 states:

Since pooling does not involve zero padding, the relationship describing the general case is as follows:

I think this should also be:

"Since pooling does not involve zero padding, the relationship describing the general case is as follows:"

or maybe "non-zero" padding?

or maybe:

"Since pooling only involves zero padding, the relationship describing the general case is as follows:"


Seemed to have misunderstood the term. Zero here refers to the value that is used to pad, not the size of the padding.