vdemichev / DiaNN

DIA-NN - a universal automated software suite for DIA proteomics data analysis.

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Linux Seg fault - different library used to generate the .quant file

apelin20 opened this issue · comments

I just downloaded the linux version of diaNN 1.9.1 and successfully packed it into a singularity container and am trying to finish a simple search but keep running into:
ERROR: different library used to generate the .quant file
cmd.diaNN: line 29: 158586 Segmentation fault singularity run -B /

I attached the full log and the command used to initiate the run. The funny thing is that I made the SpecLib dir and the RAW file dir read/execute only. I also erased any .quant files prior to the run so I am not sure how it's possible for it to error this way.


Thanks for reporting this. Most likely, this happens because --no-quant-files seems to be incompatible with MBR, I will check this. For now, please don't use this option and specify some location to save .quant files to.
