vdemichev / DiaNN

DIA-NN - a universal automated software suite for DIA proteomics data analysis.

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Setting Precursor and Protein PEP in DIA-NN

barny116 opened this issue · comments

Hi Vadim,
Hope this message finds you well.
I am currently searching in DIA-NN using two proteomes- mouse and human, making the search space rather large. Do you have any advice on how to make the search more stringent? Is it possible to set a protein q-value cutoff by both experiment and run in DIA-NN? Currently, I use a 1% precursor and protein group FDR. Also, can I set a precursor and protein PEP (Posterior Error Probability) in DIA-NN?

Hi Barny,

I assume you use MBR and search with the default FDR filtering set in the GUI (1%), in that case all you need to do is to filter the final report (in .parquet format) using Lib.PG.Q.Value <= 0.01 and PG.Q.Value <= 0.01.

Yes, you can use PEP and PG.PEP columns of the main report for extra stringency.


Hi Barny,

If you use MBR and analyse with the default FDR setting of 1% in the GUI, then the Q.Value <= 0.01 and Lib.Q.Value <= 0.01 filters are applied automatically. Same if you also 'manually' reproduce MBR by first creating an empirical DIA-based library and subsequently analysing with it.

PG.PEP is saved in the .parquet report, please use it rather than the .tsv.


That makes more sense! I have been running DIA-NN 1.8.1 for some time now, so I was filtering previously on the report.tsv.
I checked again the report.tsv and still didn't see PG.PEP. I will switch over to 1.9!