vdaas / vald

Vald. A Highly Scalable Distributed Vector Search Engine

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[Refactor] Create doc.go for each package

vankichi opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug:

In the Vald project, almost packages have no doc.go.
It affects displaying on the pkg.go.dev, e.g. https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/vdaas/vald@v1.6.3/internal/compress .

To Reproduce:

None (This problem does NOT affect the Vald)

Expected behavior:

Displaying correct state like as https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/vdaas/vald@v1.6.3/internal/errgroup
We can fix it:

  1. Add doc.go for each package
  2. Remove the overview comment from each file except doc.go


  • Go Version: 1.19.2
  • Docker Version: 20.10.8
  • Kubernetes Version: 1.22.0
  • NGT Version: 1.14.8