vcsi / samba-formula

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Install and configure a samba server.

Available states

Installs the samba server package and service.

Installs the samba client package.

Includes the samba state.

Creates a smb.conf based on defaults. Pillars if defined override default values.

Includes the samba state.

Creates samba users (via smbpasswd) based on pillar data.

Includes the samba state.

Installs samba-winbind packages and updates NSS (nsswitch.conf).

Includes the winbind state.

By default this state provides full Active Directory (AD) domain membership if samba.role equals ROLE_DOMAIN_MEMBER.


The distro supplied samba package includes a default smb.conf which is overridden by samba.config state. This formula has good defaults for samba ROLE_STANDALONE and ROLE_DOMAIN_MEMBER roles, but can be extended/overridden in pillars.

AD integration

Ensure host's assigned (dhcp) ipaddress is reflecting DNS.

[myhost]$ ip addr
[myhost]$ host

Ensure system time is NTP synchronized (yes)!!

$ # timedatectl
          Local time: Fri 2018-02-09 08:34:10 MST
      Universal time: Fri 2018-02-09 15:34:10 UTC
            RTC time: Fri 2018-02-09 15:34:21
           Time zone: America/Denver (MST, -0700)
     Network time on: yes
    NTP synchronized: yes
     RTC in local TZ: no

Join the domain in three commands-

$ sudo net ads join EXAMPLE.COM -U 'domainAdminUser'
Enter domainAdminUser password:
Using short domain name -- EXAMPLE
Joined MYHOST to dns domain ‘'

$ sudo kinit -k MYHOST\$@EXAMPLE.COM

$ sudo systemctl restart winbind

If 'kinit' fails then try rebooting and checking for issues with time and dns.




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