vchelaru / Gum

Flexible layout tool for creating UI on any platform

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[Documentation] Adding to Monogame page is broken

realcoloride opened this issue · comments


The following page: is broken and does not display anything.

Thank you for making this issue. The MonoGame + Gum steps previously required using the FlatRedBall game engine. There's now a new library that can be used that does not require FlatRedBall, but it requires a bit of manual work to get hooked up. I'm in the process of making it much easier to add to a MonoGame project.

If you're interested in this new process you have a few options:

  1. You can wait as I work through to make it easier to add to a game. This may take a week or so.
  2. You can help me test early versions and I can help your game get hooked up. I'd be glad to give you help on chat or on screenshare if you'd like to join our discord (it's a FlatRedBall discord, but it's for Gum users too).

If you'd like to track progress or get an early build or help test it sooner, feel free to join the discord:

Otherwise I'll post progress here.

Please let me know when the page is up again. I will potentially use it for MonoGame.
Thanks for the answer!

Lots of progress so far. I have created a sample project in the repo here:

I'm still working on it, but this will give you a quick idea of how it works in code.

More progress - here's a screenshot of a layout in the Gum tool, and it loaded from-file and drawing in MonoGame


I still have to fix the main page, but here's the very first doc that shows how to get set up and create a rectangle in code.

I'll be working on the main page which still links to the bad page, but in the meantime I believe this issue is complete. Here's a summary of what is done:

  • Gum.MonoGame nuget package is now available. This pulls in all other dependencies
  • Gum.MonoGame now has a simple set of initialization steps
  • Gum.MonoGame can create "Runtime" objects in code allowing for code-only setup of Gum screens and components
  • Gum.MonoGame allows for the loading and displaying of Gum projects in their entirety
  • Gum.MonoGame now has 2 sample projects - one showing how to load from-file, one showing how to work with Gum in code
  • Documentation has been updated to show how to set up a project

The docs were the original point of this card but a lot of work was needed to set this all up. Please check it out and let me know if there are any problems you encounter.

Brilliant work. I'll let you know if I need anything.