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libVasern.a not generated on a Release build

kvnglvz opened this issue · comments

Debug build generates the libVasern.a file but not with Release Configuration.
If I copied generated libVasern.a file from Debug folder to Release folder it complains about invalid signing bitcode .

Yes, I did try deleting the DerivedData folder but I still can't compile a release build.

Hi Kevin, can you take a screenshot of the error? Also, are you using Xcode?

screen shot 2019-03-06 at 5 58 00 pm

Yes I'm using XCode, this is in Release config and I copied over the generated libVasern.a file from Debug to Release (because it can't generate in release)

Tried to make a release build and same error:
"clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users//Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/-*********/Build/Products/Release-iphoneos/libVasern.a'"

Sorry for my late response Kevin

Can you make sure these following details:

  1. The libVasern.a is present in Build Phase > Link Binary with Libraries
  2. If you're using the New Build System, change it to the Legacy Build System as it sometimes doesn't compatible. Also select Derived Data as Project-relative... (option locate at File > Project (or Workspace) Settings)

After that, just Clean up to make sure everything is removed then Build again. Let me know if the issue still persist

Hi, I haven't tried this yet, I reverted to realm for now as I needed to upload a build. I'll close this for now. Thanks.

Getting this on Legacy Build System.

ld: library not found for -lVasern
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Kevin, I'm unable to figure out what went wrong. If you have some time, head in the slack channel and have a chat with me. I'll try to see what went wrong (link to slack channel)

I get the same problem!
I dont know if the problem is under HeaderSearchPaths (i dont know what to write in there for vasern, with the react-native link vasern it doesnt work).
But i just get it when i do Produkt=>Archive.

I have recognized that when i archive my app it doesnt add under IntermediateBuildFilePath and it doesnt add libVasern.a under Release-Iphoneos!
But i have no clue why i doesnt!

I have solved the issue!

I have set my deployment target from 8.0 to 11.1. I think that vasern needs a higher deployment target and that was causing the problem.

Thanks @apppro123, that might be the solution. In case anyone runs into the problem, try update development target (#27 (comment))