varun1309 / machine-learning-algorithms

My personal machine learning projects with minimalistic use of frameworks for educational purposes

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Machine Learning Algorithms

My personal machine learning projects without using machine learning libraries for educational purposes

IMDB Review sentiment analysis

  • Implemented Naive Bayes Classification by first cleaning the data of common english stop words and then creating a bag of words matrix.
  • In training phase, computed partial probability of each word and stored it into a matrix
  • In the testing phase, fetched the probability of each testing word, applied laplace smoothing and generated the output as either positive review or negative review.
  • Accuracy of 71% [not so impressive :)]

MNIST Image Classifier Using Logistic Regression

  • First flattened the input 60000 x 28 x 28 matrix into 60000 x 784 matrix
  • Initialized W matrix as 60000 x 10 as there are 60K input rows and 10 class labels
  • Used softmax function to compute posterior probability of image based on class label and input 1 x 784 matrix
  • Based on the posterior probability, calculated the gradient dw as X[l]*(Y-P(Y|X,W). For this step, we create a sparse matrix of Y to be of same shape as P(Y|X) which is the posterior probability.
  • For gradient ascent, multiplied this dw with tolerance (also called learning rate) and added to the previous value of w.
  • Accuracy of 91%

MNIST Image Classifier using K-Nearest Neighbor

  • First flattened the input 60000 x 28 x 28 matrix in a 60000 x 784 matrix
  • In the next step, I calculated the L2 distance (Euclidean distance) between one test sample and all training sample and store the distance in a matrix
  • Created a list of several K [1,10,100] and classified the test sample based on the closest training samples and plotted a graph between K and accuracy. Accuracy ranged between 94-96% which is pretty impressive!


My personal machine learning projects with minimalistic use of frameworks for educational purposes


Language:Python 100.0%