varchashva / vPrioritizer

vPrioritizer enables us to understand the contextualized risk (vPRisk) on asset-vulnerability relationship level across the organization, for teams to make more informed decision about what (vulnerability/ties) they should remediate (or can afford not to) and on which (asset/s)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Cyberstro opened this issue · comments

My boss saw your presentation on BlackHat, and I'm really excited to see this product. Any ETA on when it might be available?

I'm also curious as to when it will be available.

thanks @Cyberstro & @blockanz. I will make vPrioritizer available by end of Aug, 2020.

hello, I have seen your tool in the black hat, how can we have access to know and use it, Thx!!!

thanks @Cyberstro & @blockanz. I will make vPrioritizer available by end of Aug, 2020.

Any updates on this @varchashva ?

@blockanz @Cyberstro @lsandovalintelicorp - I know, a little late, but here it comes. Check it out and let me know your thoughts. Thanks!