vaquarkhan / Apache-Kafka-poc-and-notes

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You don't have to do this hack! Please check out UDTRegistration to get REAL custom-types!

deusaquilus opened this issue · comments

Using UDTRegistration you can use custom datatypes with Case Classes, Tuples, etc... and it will work properly! See my SO post here.

Say you have a custom type:

trait CustomPoly
case class FooPoly(id:Int) extends CustomPoly
case class BarPoly(value:String, secondValue:Long) extends CustomPoly

... and you want to use it like this!

case class UsingPoly(id:Int, poly:CustomPoly)

  UsingPoly(1, new FooPoly(1)),
  UsingPoly(2, new BarPoly("Blah", 123)),
  UsingPoly(3, new FooPoly(1))

polySeq.filter(_.poly match {
  case FooPoly(value) => value == 1
  case _ => false

Define a UDT like this:

class CustomPolyUDT extends UserDefinedType[CustomPoly] {
  val kryo = new Kryo()

  override def sqlType: DataType = org.apache.spark.sql.types.BinaryType
  override def serialize(obj: CustomPoly): Any = {
    val bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
    val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos)

  override def deserialize(datum: Any): CustomPoly = {
    val bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(datum.asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]])
    val ois = new ObjectInputStream(bis)
    val obj = ois.readObject()

  override def userClass: Class[CustomPoly] = classOf[CustomPoly]

Register it like this:

// NOTE: The file you do this in has to be inside of the org.apache.spark package!
UDTRegistration.register(classOf[CustomPoly].getName, classOf[CustomPolyUDT].getName)

Then you can use it!

Check out my SO post here:

Thanks Will do that