vapor / websocket-kit

WebSocket client library built on SwiftNIO

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`close` does not work. WebSockets stay open indefinitely

lmcd opened this issue · comments


Running socket.close(code: .normalClosure) should trigger a close of the socket on the server end.

Attaching .wait() resolves immediately on the client end. But whatever I do, the socket is still marked as open by the server. This was working at some point and now it's broken.


Just doing some tracing, everything seems to be in working order, except still returning true. This value seemingly never gets set to false.


Problem identified - mode should be all rather than output. Connections were staying open indefinitely, verified with lsof. I do worry that this code doesn't seem to have been tested before being put out for release 🤔

Is the client supposed to be configured a certain way to get close to work? My only workaround is to call eventLoop.shutdownGracefully() { _ in } on the client, which is a hack. I can't use this workaround on the server since I don't manage the event loop's lifecycle. @lmcd how are you getting around this issue? Without a fix, it seems like downgrading (or maybe even forking) is the only option?


@EthanLozano - yeah there's an actual bug in websocket-kit, I just haven't gotten around to submitting a PR and have just patched it myself in my local install. See my previous message for the source of the issue.

It's annoying how both WebSockets and HTTP/2 are simply just broken in Vapor - major bugs basically, and they're not getting patched 🤷‍♂️. My recommendation to anyone would be to not use Vapor in production.


FYI WebSocket.swift, in handle, change mode to .all instead of .output in both instances.

@lmcd thanks for the response! I was worried that forking/patching was the approach you chose. Yeah, Vapor has disappointed me: I reported issues on multiple Vapor repos months ago and nobody has even commented on my issues. I'm a little confused... are people not using Vapor for WebSockets? Or, is Vapor just used for prototyping?

@lmcd @EthanLozano Thanks for raising these and other issues! Turns out I wasn't subscribed to this repo so I've missed everything! I'll take a look at your PR tomorrow and then start looking in to the other issues


Thanks @0xTim

Note: I haven't studied the SwiftNIO source in detail, so am not 100% sure the above fix is correct, I just know that it fully resolves the issue for me and have noticed no unintended side-effects.

Thanks @0xTim! I can only confirm that @lmcd's patch solved the issues for me. I also don't know if this is the correct fix. I used Apple's Editing a Package Dependency as a Local Package to get the patch to work locally.

I briefly tried to reproduce the issue within the tests, and I was unsuccessful. Specifically, I tweaked testServerClose, testClientClose, testWebSocketWithTLSEcho to include an additional ws.onClose.cascade(secondClose), but the tests still pass successfully on my machine. So, it appears that the tests don't capture a realistic environment. Perhaps the bug is exposed with SSL, real devices, or real networks?

The bug appears while using a vapor server (v4.45.2) with a basic tlsConfiguration running on MacOS (v11.2.1) running either in XCode (12.4) or with swift (v5.3.2) and with an iOS (v14.4) client using websocket-kit (v2.1.2).

I confirmed that the issue is exposed when ssl is enabled.

First, I created a fresh project:

vapor new websocket-kit-bug-repro

Second, I added the following server-side code to configure.swift:

    app.http.server.configuration.hostname = Environment.get("HOSTNAME")!
    if Environment.get("SSL_ENABLED") != nil {
        try app.http.server.configuration.tlsConfiguration = .forServer(
            certificateChain: [
                .certificate(.init(file: Environment.get("SSL_CERT_FILE")!, format: .pem))
            privateKey: .file(Environment.get("SSL_KEY_FILE")!))
    app.webSocket("echo") { req, ws in
        ws.onText { ws, text in
            if text == "close" {
                print("about to close")
                _ = ws.close()
        ws.onClose.whenComplete { _ in
            print("server closed")

Third, I added the following client-side code to main.swift

struct CloseMe: Command {
    struct Signature: CommandSignature { }

    var help: String {
        "tests websocket close"

    func run(using context: CommandContext, signature: Signature) throws {
        let elg = context.application.eventLoopGroup
        let closePromise = Void.self)
        let hostname = Environment.get("HOSTNAME")!
        let ssl = Environment.get("SSL_ENABLED") != nil
        let web = ssl ? "wss" : "ws"
        let connect = WebSocket.connect(to: "\(web)://\(hostname):8080/echo", on: elg) { ws in
            print("telling to close")
            ws.onClose.whenComplete { _ in
                print("client closed")
            ws.onClose.cascade(to: closePromise)
        connect.whenSuccess {
            print("successful connection")
        connect.whenFailure { error in
            print("unsucessful connection: \(error)")
        try closePromise.futureResult.wait()
app.commands.use(CloseMe(), as: "closeme")

I generated a root certificate, created a certificate for my local machine, added the root certificate to my Keychain, and then set the environment variables to point to the appropriate cert files.

Output without SSL


$ unset SSL_ENABLED && vapor run serve
[ NOTICE ] Server starting on http://[redacted]:8080
[ INFO ] GET /echo [request-id: 9BB86C27-D7EB-4E2E-9E00-25068D6A0C6D]
about to close
server closed


$ unset SSL_ENABLED && vapor run closeme
telling to close
successful connection
client closed

Output with SSL


$ export SSL_ENABLED=true && vapor run serve
[ NOTICE ] Server starting on https://[redacted].home:8080
[ INFO ] GET /echo [request-id: 3F6B1C22-7895-4633-83D9-EDDB3C6FF415]
about to close


$ export SSL_ENABLED=true && vapor run closeme
telling to close
successful connection
[hanging indefinitely]

@lmcd was this happening only on TLS connections as well or both? Essentially I'm trying to write a unit test to replicate this bug and for me, with no TLS, channel.isActive is marked as false after the close


I'm using Vapor only in a TLS environment. I'm also using websocket-kit on both ends, so client and server.

Ok writing a unit test that involves terminating TLS in web-socket Kit is going to hard so I'll merge the PR

Thanks @0xTim! I created another issue to track writing a unit test for this issue